Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword carrotopian

Week - 279

On the Validity of Zapped Petpets
by carrotopian
Description: Calling zapped petpets names and saying they are not 'real' or not as 'special' as their bought version is ridiculous!

Week - 285

Interview With a (Reformed) Chiavore
by carrotopian
Description: A happy Chia is an undigested Chia!

Week - 298

Being Pea
by carrotopian
Description: I do not want to be a food item; I want to be mean and scary and made out of patchwork.

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A Fiery Friendship: Part One
He was finally old enough to become a squire, finally old enough to make his dreams come true. And what dreams they were!

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Tea Time!

Er... sorry. Let me rephrase that.

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Like my new hat?

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Safe No Longer
Hiya! Scrap here. Cappy wants me to write down everything that happens. He says it's so he doesn't have to keep a captain's log....

by avibero


Stuck: Part Four
Jeffrey sat down across from me, gave me a look, and sighed. "You won't be happy here, will you?"

by silent_snow

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