Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 140,357,144 Issue: 294 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword dragonlover8560

Week - 212

Eyries: Good or Bad?
by dragonlover8560
Description: But why is there such a great difference between the heroes and villains? Are Eyries inherently good or evil?

Week - 216

Dark Beginnings
by dragonlover8560
Description: The noise reached the ears of a Kyrii sorcerer deep in meditation. His handsome face twitched as he roused himself from his trance...

Week - 280

A Dangerous Gamble
by dragonlover8560
Description: A loud laugh cut across the noise of the crowd, and Branston looked towards the entrance and stiffened with anger. Deadeye had entered the party with a crowd of rowdy sailors in tow...

Week - 290

Secrets and Shadows: Part One
by dragonlover8560
Description: Commander Bhrack, commanding officer of the Darigan Citadel Guard and trusted military advisor to Lord Darigan, paused in weariness outside of the wooden door leading to his quarters. It had been an especially trying day...

Week - 291

Secrets and Shadows: Part Two
by dragonlover8560
Description: What an enigma! She seemed to be an ideal officer from the brief impression he had of her, but the Tonu commander had what was obviously a long-standing feud with his subordinate...

Week - 292

Secrets and Shadows: Part Three
by dragonlover8560
Description: "It will be difficult to find them, though. The older parts of the Citadel are a labyrinth of abandoned storage rooms and forgotten treasures..."

Week - 293

Secrets and Shadows: Part Four
by dragonlover8560
Description: For several minutes they crouched there, behind the ancient disintegrating sofa, trembling with fear. It seemed like forever. The Eyrie lieutenant took a deep breath and...

Week - 294

Secrets and Shadows: Part Five
by dragonlover8560
Description: "You mean to say that because you lost your way, you led the Meridell ambassador through the dregs of the keep all night long, while every officer, soldier, maid, and kitchen servant scoured the Citadel looking for the two of you..."

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