Week - 181
Chronicles of the Mahirmai Khan: Wildfire by nimras23 |
Description: It was the end of the dry season, and according
to Uncle Abbasnar, all it took was one lightning strike to have a really bad
day. While Azureyigh had never seen fire, he understood that it was very dangerous. |
Week - 189
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: The Bargain - Part One by nimras23 |
Description: "Danner," Jeran asked as they entered the dungeon,
"is a thief really the best you can come up with? First off, I doubt they'll
be very trustworthy; secondly, if they've already been caught, they must not
be very good at it." |
Week - 190
Chronicles of the Court Rouge: The Bargain - Part Two by nimras23 |
Description: "I am Mareian, I represent the Meridell Thieves Council. They have sent me as
an envoy to discuss business with your leader, please take me and my companions
to him." |
Week - 205
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Lessons by nimras23 |
Description: "Miss Mareian!" Fizzen, the blue Lenny apprentice, called
as he dashed over to the pirate Lupess. "Today's the day I finally get to work
in the streets, right?" |
Week - 209
A petpet for Mínare by nimras23 |
Description: "If it's going to be this cold," he complained to his Wadjet,
Zith, "it should at least snow." |
Week - 212
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part One by nimras23 |
Description: The normally pirate colored Lupess stretched
her arms over her head to warm up stiff muscles. It's three weeks until the
Day of Giving, she thought. Jeran and Khalyen have better get me something
nice to make up for this... |
Week - 213
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Two by nimras23 |
Description: Mareian entered the room, wearing what she called her 'work clothes', a
cream colored tunic with short frayed sleeves and a rumpled brown skirt. "Extra
security's been taken care of, forty-three guards will report to Danner tomorrow
for assignment." |
Week - 214
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Three by nimras23 |
Description: Danner gaped at him, while Mareian sputtered,
"Is he insane? What is he planning on doing to protect the villages from raiders?" |
Week - 215
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Four by nimras23 |
Description: Gleefully, she
inspected her latest prize, a heavily engraved silver broach she had 'acquired'
from one of the Brightvale nobles. Feeling smug, she added it to the top of the
box of other acquisitions she had collected... |
Week - 216
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Five by nimras23 |
Description: What had woken her up? A slight creak grabbed her attention. Someone
was in her room. Without opening her eyes, Mareian growled... |
Week - 217
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Six by nimras23 |
Description: Hearing Jeran's sharp whistle and the sound of
quickly approaching foot steps, Mareian dropped the book she was holding and
pulled the pair of small daggers out from her sleeves... |
Week - 233
The Secret Diary of Jeran Borodere by nimras23 |
Description: Now that all the fighting's
done I can finally get a break from all those fangirls. I swear, those things
are far scarier than Darigan ever was... |
Week - 238
Chronicles of the Mahirmai Khan: Lost by nimras23 |
Description: Lazily, Raghidmab debated whether it was worth
the effort to walk down the hill to the creek for a drink. Thirst finally won
over lethargy... |
Week - 239
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part One by nimras23 |
Description: "You do realize," she informed the lock, "that
I'm going to get the blame for this." |
Week - 240
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Two by nimras23 |
Description: Mareian had always suggested that a good bonfire
would fix his perpetual paperwork problem; right now he was seriously considering
the idea... |
Week - 241
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Three by nimras23 |
Description: Mareian smiled her cutest smile. "There's a Gelert
who owes me something, a royal one who goes by the name of Jasagh; I don't suppose
you've heard anything of him?" |
Week - 242
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Four by nimras23 |
Description: Ricky snorted a laugh and stepped briskly out
onto the cobblestone road. "So where are we going?" |
Week - 243
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Five by nimras23 |
Description: She wouldn't lie to Jeran, she decided. Jeran
was fairly good at spotting lies on his own and if he'd visited Illusen... |
Week - 244
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Six by nimras23 |
Description: A brown Zafara head poked through the doorway.
"I hear the sounds of people having fun," Mourvan accused. "You know that's
not allowed." |
Week - 245
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Seven by nimras23 |
Description: Humming happily, Mareian headed across the castle
to the hospital entrance. She always enjoyed talking to the people in the hospital... |
Week - 246
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Eight by nimras23 |
Description: A misty red haze swirled around her face, as
the ring told Jeran she was lying; Lisha knew exactly what he was talking
about. "Of course you don't," he teased... |
Week - 247
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Nine by nimras23 |
Description: "Traitors," the skeleton hissed, "belong to us."
He walked fully into the room, followed by two more of his kind. "They are ours;
it has been the law since the first king." |
Week - 248
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Ten by nimras23 |
Description: The idea of that blue mutt sitting on his throne
turned the royal Gelert's stomach; it was almost as if Skarl knew his plans
and was deliberately making his decisions solely to anger the deposed prince... |
Week - 249
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Eleven by nimras23 |
Description: "Don't turn your head and look," Mareian said
softly, "but there's smoke between those trees on our left..." |
Week - 250
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Twelve by nimras23 |
Description: "That's far enough," Jasagh said. "Put it on
the table." |
Week - 256
Castles by nimras23 |
Description: It had snowed over the night, Brenden saw with glee. The
pristine snow glittered as it covered the castle courtyard like a dense, white
blanket. Best of all, no one had touched it yet... |
Week - 261
The Island by nimras23 |
Description: The brown Lupe knight truly detested ships; his stomach seemed to be completely
unable to keep up with the rest of his body with all the rocking, swaying and
tossing about that was inevitable when sailing on the ocean... |
Week - 263
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Instincts - Part One by nimras23 |
Description: The sound of approaching hoof beats on the wooden
walkway pulled Jeran out of his reverie. Curious, the Lupe braved the downpour
by sticking his head out the door to see a very familiar spotted Uni with a
small form huddled on his back... |
Week - 264
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Instincts - Part Two by nimras23 |
Description: Between Danner's laughter and the pirate Lupess' giggles, some of the words were hard to understand. "I mean it, put me down or I'll - Jeran!" Her
laughter turned into a shriek of terror... |
Week - 265
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Instincts - Part Three by nimras23 |
Description: On a beautiful summer morning in Meridell, something happened
that had never happened before; Mareian the pirate Lupess was awake before Danner.
This alone should have been warning to the blue Wocky to just take the day off... |
Week - 266
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Instincts - Part Four by nimras23 |
Description: Danner suddenly had a horrible mental image of
what would happen if there was a Were-variation for every one of the species
on Neopia. While the idea of Wereblumaroos was kind of funny, Weregrarrls would
be utterly terrifying... |
Week - 267
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Instincts - Part Five by nimras23 |
Description: Illusen
continued, "Once the cure is finished, Mareian can carry it out deep into the
woods near here. He'll follow her, and that will get him away from other Lupes
he could infect. Jeran won't attack her, despite what he fears, and she can
give the cure to him..." |
Week - 268
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Instincts - Part Six by nimras23 |
Description: Mareian sat next to the sleeping Jeran, unable to put the
syringe away, yet unable to move her hand forward and give him the Werelupe cure... |
Week - 273
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part One by nimras23 |
Description: They'd only arrived in Brightvale a couple hours earlier, and while both Lupes were tired from traveling, Brightvale's Crown Prince Rolan had sent a message asking them to meet him here tonight.
"Sorry for the wait," Rolan apologized as he came in... |
Week - 274
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Two by nimras23 |
Description: The pirate Lupess muttered to herself as she escaped out into the main part of Brightvale's castle. Rolan had, probably rather foolishly, given Mareian permission to roam freely about the castle. The Lupess planned on taking full advantage of that to explore and find all the escape routes. Old habits die hard... |
Week - 275
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Three by nimras23 |
Description: Rolan had rather curtly dismissed everyone else in the library so they could have time to think and talk about the theft of Brightvale's relics... |
Week - 276
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Four by nimras23 |
Description: Well, sometimes she didn't want to be practical. Sometimes she wanted to do something wild and crazy, just to prove that she could... |
Week - 277
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Five by nimras23 |
Description: She pointed at the map. "We think we may have found out where Jules hid them..." |
Week - 278
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Six by nimras23 |
Description: Rolan reached out and grabbed Jeran's elbow, derailing the Lupe's train of thought. "We're here," he whispered... |
Week - 279
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Seven by nimras23 |
Description: "King Skarl doesn't show up until this afternoon," Rolan said. "And I don’t think we can do very much until he gets here. Once he does, Jeran, I need you to keep him busy – preferably with Father..." |
Week - 280
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Eight by nimras23 |
Description: Mareian was furthest outside of their little niche, and had the best view out into the rest of the courtyard. Jeran had the creeping suspicion that she could see something that explained exactly where the missing relics had gone... |
Week - 285
The Secret Diary of Danner Carnahan by nimras23 |
Description: We were supposed to spend the night at the inn in Hope River. But guess what, we're not. Glorious leader, also known as Sir Jeran Borodere, lead us down the wrong road... |
Week - 287
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Witchcraft by nimras23 |
Description: "Well, congratulations for making it to Woodfen," the blue Ixi drawled. "Unfortunately, we’re having a bit of a witch problem at the moment..." |
Week - 292
War Letters: Darigani by nimras23 |
Description: Better keep an eye out, his high pompousness is starting to have suspicions about your loyalty... |