Chet Flash wuz here |
Circulation: 142,557,853 |
Issue: 289 | 27th day of Eating, Y9 |
We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword jelleyfrosting
Week - 227
Pink Snow by jelleyfrosting | Description: The blossoms shudder before letting go of their
hold on the tree, slowly drifting to the ground below. They let the wind carry
them... |
| Week - 282
The Extra by jelleyfrosting | Description: I can only recall one moment when I found myself feeling like I was worth something to someone. Feeling like I mattered... |
| Week - 284
The Shadows: Part One by jelleyfrosting | Description: I cannot write long for I have no more security in this world we call Neopia. Where you see light, I see only the shadows that taunt me. I am not safe. I am only writing as much as I can so I can help you understand, so that maybe all this can be stopped... |
| Week - 285
The Shadows: Part Two by jelleyfrosting | Description: I racked my brain all of the way home. Trying to remember how I could have possibly ended up in the park with no memory of going there. Maybe I had sleepwalked... |
| Week - 286
The Shadows: Part Three by jelleyfrosting | Description: I walked through the doorway cautiously, looking around for anybody else in the hut. Only one pet sat in the middle of the room, eyes closed and legs crossed. That person was the Kyrii Mystic... |
| Week - 287
The Shadows: Part Four by jelleyfrosting | Description: "That's why the Earth Faeries and Dark Faeries hate each other, in case you were wondering..." |
| Week - 288
The Shadows: Part Five by jelleyfrosting | Description: I walked into the main room where Sophie was poring over a very large book. She looked up as I approached, eyes already glaring at me before she could even see who I was. I was trembling with every step... |
| Week - 289
The Shadows: Part Six by jelleyfrosting | Description: Ari laughed with delight as she jumped along the waves, feeling the foam tickle the pads of her feet. I laughed at how silly she was being and it was a real life. For a moment, everything about the shadows washed away... |
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Falling Lush green grass blanketed the ground, sprinkled with the cheeriness of a few perfectly placed flowers. All of that came to an abrupt stop as soon as it came into view. The cliff...
by jambammer |