Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword celrbubbles

Week - 284

Master Plan?
by celrbubbles
Description: Here we go again.....

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Frosted Wings
The cheery crackle of a fire was the first thing she heard as Blyzzarr regained consciousness. She opened her eyes and confirmed that there was indeed a fire blazing. Then she noticed that she wasn't alone...

by siennacat13


Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part Six
The interior of the palace was as grand as the outside; covered in rich tapestries and soft carpets. Decorative ornaments lined the walls. Folfeux stared...

by rachelindea


The Shadows: Part One
I cannot write long for I have no more security in this world we call Neopia. Where you see light, I see only the shadows that taunt me. I am not safe. I am only writing as much as I can so I can help you understand, so that maybe all this can be stopped...

by jelleyfrosting


Attack of the Slorgs - It's Never Too Late to Repel!
Slorgs fear NOTHING when it comes to attacking your fields of marrows and turnips – nothing. Not even your fierce glares and waving of the shovel at them! But fear not, for there is aid.

by twiddl3d33


The Nothing Faerie
"Now," a voice said into the darkness. "You are finally ready to choose which faerie you shall become..."

by blackwell

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