The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword scar19

Week - 256

Full View
by scar19
Description: Don't worry about it.

Week - 262

Full View
by scar19
Description: Please insert 100 neopoints to see the next three minutes of your future.

Week - 264

Silver Flames: Part One
by scar19
Description: "We won a free trip to Kiko Lake! Isn't that great?" I practically yelled to the entire house. I could hardly contain my excitement...

Week - 265

Silver Flames: Part Two
by scar19
Description: "A new recruit, Sylva," the fire Kyrii answered swiftly. I was a bit suspicious, but I almost believed that she planned to make me a part of their cloaked club. Maybe that was what she planned. If that wasn't the case, she seemed to be a very good liar...

Week - 266

Silver Flames: Part Three
by scar19
Description: I knew he wasn't much of a talker and avoided speaking when he could get away with silence, and right now it was obvious what he was asking. He wanted to know why I wasn't swimming...

Week - 267

Silver Flames: Part Four
by scar19
Description: "So," Akiri said, looking to me, "what do you think about the rest of the Flames?"

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Comic 4
Stop reading these comments and just read the comic already!

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The Battle for Kreludor: Part Three
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Random Something
Plots are fun, but not when things eat you.

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