Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 126,483,444 Issue: 255 | 1st day of Gathering, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword mystiquedarkholme

Week - 255

Efprect Onnenses
by mystiquedarkholme
Description: IT BURNS!!

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The Story of a Weapon: Part Two
She now tended to ignore those who came into her cell to study her. They were too slow-witted for her...

by proud_taurus_chic


Sophie's Petpets: Friends or Foes?
We are told very specifically only two rules: Don't drop more than five of Sophie's ingredients; and watch out for the hungry Meowclops. But I'm continuously forced to wonder, is this pesky petpet really as menacing as the instructions would have us believe?

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Torn Wings
Turning on the current, the little Pteri swung down towards the rocky shore, dangling her schoolbag by its strap. Contrary to what her teacher had told her, she wasn't going home...

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RELAX: Ten Ways to Reduce Stress
Are we overworking our precious little Neopets? Recent research by the Lenny Institute of Pet Stress, (LIPS), concludes that in many cases, yes... we are.

by jennuine_1


The Neopian Auction House
A great Neopian Auction House Guide for everyone!

by _evanescence_94

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