Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword yippo_yippee

Week - 254

The Inside Story of the Rock
by yippo_yippee
Description: These mysterious petpets are more than just a rough surface!

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Petpet Fuss
Caution: very slippery.

by labeboyse


Me and Them
Yup, she lost it....

by hamtaro6969


Petpet Parade
My new petpet only knows one trick.

by the_forest_maiden


The Story of a Weapon: Part One
Why were these people watching her? Why wouldn't they leave her alone? Why was she even there? Where was her mother... Did she even have a mother?

by proud_taurus_chic


The Pink Witch
Mum had said that someone - a witch - was moving in, and if he kept messing around in the garden the witch would turn him into a frog. Kipper was unconcerned...

by rhoc

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