Week - 203
25 Things to Do with an Unwanted Plushie Gallery by puppy200010 |
Description: Save them for the next gift-giving holiday. Give them for birthday presents,
for Christmas, and for the day that has been cancelled due to lack of interest!
What? That's not a gift-giving holiday? |
Week - 205
Defence Techniques for Custard Pets by puppy200010 |
Description: But as the Grarrl comes closer, you can see a hungry glint in his eye
and practically hear the rumble of his empty stomach. Sure, he likes your new
coloring, but he wants to see how you taste! Yes, maybe some would consider it
cannibalism, but remember, you're custard now! |
Week - 207
Before Falling Asleep... by puppy200010 |
Description: The old classic: count babaas. One babaa, two, three, fou--Ok, you've just
had a pillow shoved in your mouth by your awakened (and obviously, irritable)
roommate. |
Week - 209
Never Wish to Fly: Part One by puppy200010 |
Description: To try to fulfill her dream, she had started
to go to a certain, odd scientist. Daily she would visit him, in hopes of being
zapped... |
Week - 210
Never Wish to Fly: Part Two by puppy200010 |
Description: "Where did you get this?" he shouted. Leaving
no time for her to possibly answer, he continued. "This is a space map piece!
I thought it was gone for good..." |
Week - 211
Never Wish to Fly: Part Three by puppy200010 |
Description: The island
was now close enough to land on, but despite her sore wings, Glia couldn't help
but show off to the bystanders on the beach. She did a couple of twists and flips
in the air. She stopped paying attention and nearly had a nasty collision with
the ground in front of Neopia's arcade... |
Week - 212
Never Wish to Fly: Part Four by puppy200010 |
Description: Even though Glia had decided not to turn back
upon the sight of the house, she was now having second thoughts, seeing it up
close. The wood was pitch black, almost blending in with the many surrounding
trees, smelling somewhat rotten, and splintering at the mere touch... |
Week - 213
Never Wish to Fly: Part Five by puppy200010 |
Description: "Good. The mutt seems to still be asleep from
the effects of that sleeping potion I snuck into her tea. I thought she would
never be quiet..." |
Week - 214
Never Wish to Fly: Part Six by puppy200010 |
Description: A small, cracked, blue bowl full of some sort
of unidentifiable, odd-smelling brown and green slop was shoved into her face.
Yum, breakfast, thought Pangra sarcastically... |
Week - 210
NeoQuest II: Behind the Scenes by puppy200010 |
Description: Sure, you may know what goes
on with the NeoQuest characters while they're fighting, but do you know much
about their lives outside of the game? Of course not, because they're always
busy and never do any interviews! |
Week - 211
This Article is a Part of Your Balanced Breakfast by puppy200010 |
Description: The word "cereal" comes from the Neolatinus phrase
"see real Al", which means absolutely nothing! (Who is this "real Al" anyway?)... |
Week - 214
Watch for Cracks This October by puppy200010 |
Description: Don't let any black meowclopses cross your path, especially when you're
eating that fish pop!
Also by plutoplus1 |
Week - 217
When the Weather is Grey: Part One by puppy200010 |
Description: Why can't all rain be like this? Why is today's rain different?
Has rain always been like this, and I just never noticed? |
Week - 218
When the Weather is Grey: Part Two by puppy200010 |
Description: "You are, quite obviously, not in Neopia Central
anymore. Your coloring, along with all that rain you had last night, has brought
you to this island..." |
Week - 219
When the Weather is Grey: Part Three by puppy200010 |
Description: Rain
beat against the roof, a sound that was starting to drive Nili quite insane. The
fire, she noticed reluctantly, had gone out overnight... |
Week - 216
Survival: a Guide to Neopian Camping by puppy200010 |
Description: The first thing you need to do before camping is to pack. Sounds easy, right? |
Week - 221
Coming Down Your Chimney by puppy200010 |
Description: Warning: Proceeding to read and act upon the statements and directions
made further in this article could cause you to be put on the naughty list for
years to come... |
Week - 222
Thank Heaven For Year Seven! by dan4884 |
Description: Many things happened in the past year, so we thought we'd be nice and tell
you about it again, just in case you forgot!
Also by puppy200010 |
Week - 224
As the Clouds Clear: Part One by puppy200010 |
Description: No one could understand why she always seemed so
upset now. They'd approach her and ask, "Why so sad?" without noticing her grey
coloring... |
Week - 225
As the Clouds Clear: Part Two by puppy200010 |
Description: "That’s exactly it! I can’t figure it out. Is it
even possible that there are two islands, exactly identical, where it never
stops raining, grey pets run amuck, and pets trapped there are doomed to fade
to grey?" |
Week - 226
As the Clouds Clear: Part Three by puppy200010 |
Description: After several more minutes of walking, the large
Lenny Library building came into view. The pair quickly ran up the steps and
into the building to start their research... |
Week - 227
As the Clouds Clear: Part Four by puppy200010 |
Description: "We have a new matter on our hands to deal with tonight. These two pets, Nilika and Jacob, have returned to our island. We must decide how to deal with them." |
Week - 228
As the Clouds Clear: Part Five by puppy200010 |
Description: It was several more hours before the peak of the
mountain came into view. Once she reached it, Nili wasted no time... |
Week - 227
20 Valentine's Gifts of Not-So-Ultimate Doom by puppy200010 |
Description: This might be a good time to warn some Neopian Times readers about what not to give their valentines this year!
Also by plutoplus1 |
Week - 230
Walk the Plank: Part One by puppy200010 |
Description: "Arr, it be good to be Darkwing, scourge o'
the seas, master o' all that be on the ocean..." |
Week - 231
Walk the Plank: Part Two by puppy200010 |
Description: Diran quickly grabbed hold of the mast. Looking upward
through the rain, he could see a silhouette of a Krawk up in the crow's nest,
letting down the sails. He dove to the left to avoid being crushed by the massive
sail... |
Week - 232
Walk the Plank: Part Three by puppy200010 |
Description: Darkwing gave an untrusting glance to the Pteri. "Down to the galley with ye. Yer gonna have t' work yer way up from there." |
Week - 233
Walk the Plank: Part Four by puppy200010 |
Description: "Wow, you must have been out in this desert for days! The heat here is enough
to make any pet lose their mind! Come, my house isn't far from here, and there's
a lake a bit beyond that." |
Week - 234
Walk the Plank: Part Five by puppy200010 |
Description: Darkwing walked over to one of the pets standing
on the dock. "Arr, what be this land?" |
Week - 235
Walk the Plank: Part Six by puppy200010 |
Description: Darkwing quickly tried to come up with something
to say. "Arr, well, I was... on th' ocean. Yes, arr... and then I took a side
trip t' Mystery Island..." |
Week - 236
Walk the Plank: Part Seven by puppy200010 |
Description: The room
was still dark. Nothing had moved overnight, although the ship still rocked gently
back and forth from the motion of the outside waves... |
Week - 247
One Night at Midnight by puppy200010 |
He was going to do something he had never done before. This would be the night
that he would brave the mysterious lands of the neoboards... |
Week - 250
The Day 250 Struck: Part One by puppy200010 |
Description: "All the Neopoints!" she sobbed. "They're
gone! All 250,000 of them!" The small crowd of people in the store all gasped...
Also by plutoplus1 |
Week - 251
The Day 250 Struck: Part Two by puppy200010 |
Description: The pets there all turned to stare at her. "Something
evil is doing 250-related crimes all throughout Neopia!"
Also by plutoplus1 |