Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword smurfafied1800

Week - 168

Wishes by Moonlight
by smurfafied1800
Description: Every day was a test of survival, but the only thing that really happened was walking, scavenging for food, and more walking. He wished that something would happen...something that happened for the better of the pack.

Week - 173

Moving On, the Loss of a Petpet
by smurfafied1800
Description: I flew into Hiterkuna's room and found the young Zafara cradling a sickly looking Meepit in her arms. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

Week - 180

Awakening: Part One
by smurfafied1800
Description: "Them leaves aren't good enough te return," he whispered in her ear, so as not to attract attention. "Ye're gonna have te pay with yer petpet." Hiterkuna grabbed Spike protectively.

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The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Three
"Squire," he hissed, and she looked him straight in the eye. "Do you realize what your trespass does to your prospect of becoming a knight?"

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That'll teach me to leave markers lying around...

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