Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kudou

Week - 171

As Much as a Bori Can Take
by kudou
Description: Aggrajagg the Korbat has it bad for the Soup Faerie. Hilarity ensues.

Week - 174

As Much as a Bori Can Take!
by kudou
Description: Could be worse...

Week - 175

As Much as a Bori Can Take
by kudou
Description: If you like rare food AND soup, you can't lose!

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The Case of the Invisible Incident: Part Two
Why, oh why must I always get lumbered with the seemingly impossible cases? I mean, a thief that leaves no tell-tale footprints? Terrific.

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What REALLY Goes On Inside the NT Submission Form
"Hello Miss," said the Zafara, waving at Rachel. "I'm Nigel Randonon. Would you like to buy some of my Juppie Juice Ink? It's not real juice, it just smells like it! All your friends will love receiving letters from you!"

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The Saga of Two Pirates
Wendy pouted and turned away. Nevertheless, escape was useless due to the fact that they were bound tightly next to each other inside a boat that could barely fit a loaf of bread....

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