Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 91,590,388 Issue: 174 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword orginalcliche

Week - 170

I Hate Christmas
by orginalcliche
Description: I hated the Christmas rush, it never seemed to end. I could probably get by without getting my 'family' anything, that plushie they got me last year wasn't that great and the Shop Wizard price was only about a hundred NP.

Week - 172

Seven Dreadful Days
by orginalcliche
Description: Each day is more dreadful than the other, except for one of them; the challenge is for you to figure out which one...

Week - 174

Judgment: Part One
by orginalcliche
Description: Memory filled the room, if the room had not been so empty, the memories would have been lost in the clamor of everyday life, but because there was so little, even the most transparent of thoughts filled it with vivid pictures...

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40 Fortunes of the New Year
Ah yes, New Year. The time of happiness, goodwill, and resolutions that will be broken by Aisha Day. But still, New Year holds that special something that no other time of the year can match...

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Night Walker: Part Six
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