Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 98,662,396 Issue: 167 | 19th day of Storing, Y6
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword scarrift

Week - 162

Fallout, The Wurymmar Story: Part One
by scarrift
Description: "And now I must ask you, all of you, gathered here tonight," the blue Lupe growled. "Who is the true leader of this pack?"

Week - 163

Fallout, The Wurymmar Story: Part Two
by scarrift
Description: "Yes, Scar I do want revenge," Wurymmar growled. "I want to be stronger so I can have my revenge against those who hurt me."

Week - 164

Fallout, The Wurymmar Story: Part Three
by scarrift
Description: Scar had lectured him continuously on his mistakes and the improvements he needed. No kind words. No pats on his back. Nothing.

Week - 165

Fallout, The Wurymmar Story: Part Four
by scarrift
Description: What if I just leave and never come back … No, I couldn't do that. Scar breathed a sigh. I guess I have to enter then.

Week - 166

Fallout, The Wurymmar Story: Part Five
by scarrift
Description: "Hmm, he looks about ready for the machine, don't you think, Scarven?"

Week - 167

Whiteout: Part One
by scarrift
Description: “I’m sorry, mister, I didn’t know, I … I mean I didn’t mean to. It’s just your diary was fascinating … I mean, I’m sorry,” I stammered.

Week - 167

Project VIRGIL
by scarrift
Description: "I am not familiar with the request 'feel'," said the Lupe in a confused tone. "Subject Virgil is ready to receive input on the term, master Cole."

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