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The Ultimate Ultimate Guide to NeoPets: Part Two

by polamay

I’m glad that you decided to read this second part of the guide. I hope it fulfills any promises I made last week in the introduction. If after reading this you still have questions, please Neomail me. I would love to hear from you, and I promise you will get a reply! (Before we get started, this is a money saving article, not a money making. There are too many of those around, I wanted to be different). Let’s get started shall we:

OK, well, first things first - any money that you do acquire, put in the bank. If you haven’t yet created a bank account, DO IT NOW! When you do you will gain an extra 30 NPs, also, once you have 15,000 NPs in stashed away, you will start to gain interest, which is a great way to make extra cash! Not only that, but you also get a deposit box, which you can store your precious items away from the Pant Devil and other nasty monsters!

Secondly – if you have less than 1000 NPs, DON’T buy any food! Remember, that there is such a person and place and the Soup Faerie and the Soup Kitchen. She is nice person and will feed any pets that need the food, and whose owners can’t afford any. But, please don’t try and get free food if you have like 20,000 NPs, it just holds up the lines for real needy pets.

Here’s a common tip you will hear around: only play the Wheel of Excitement if you have over 5,000 NPs. Why? Well, it your pet ever has the misfortune of being struck with Neopox or D’Achoo, you can afford the treatment. If you do have the money, I suggest playing once every hour. It isn’t very hard to score the 10,000 NPs jackpot! I’ve done it twice, and you could too!

You always hear people saying that you should open a shop right away, but when you’ve only just started it can be a bit expensive. I say, only start your own shop if you have over 1,000 NPs. That way, you can afford upgrades every now and then, and also items to put in your shop. (For more info on opening and succeeding with a shop, watch out for Part 7 of this guide).

People with a lot of money tend to make the mistake that they can afford to buy themselves everything in Neopia, BUT it’s just not true! LOL! So, here’s an idea: why not treat yourself to buying one rare item at the end of the month, every month? You and your pet will be happy, and by the time the next month comes around to get another item, you will have worked up the money to buy again!

Here is something that people always tend to debate on: codestones – use them or lose them! Unless you’re planning on fighting in the Battledome, don’t bother using them. Not only would it be a waste of time, but you will also be losing out on a lot of money. People are willing to pay a lot of Neopoints to get a codestone. So when you get one - sell it, auction it or trade it!

DON’T fight in the Battledome if you have less than 15,000 NPs. Battledome weapons don’t usually come cheap and the ones that do have limited power. (If you want to know the best cheap Battledome items, look out for part 8, where the Battledome in the main subject)!

Faeries, Faeries, Faeries! They're not there when you want, and are when you don’t! I’m talking about captured Faeries. If you do manage to get your hands on one somehow without buying it, sell it, auction or trade it. Again, like the codestones: don’t bother using it if you aren’t sending your pet to the Battledome, it's just plain common sense!

Well, there you have it. 8 easy, simple, and clear steps on how to save those points! Trust me, they work. Ask me how much I have! When you find out, you’ll know that they work!