This is the Neopets Personality Test! How do you take
it? Simply match up your pet with the description below and see what kind
of personality you have! If you have more than one pet, you're a combination
of personalities!
Aisha : You are naturally soft-spoken and docile, but
others shouldn't underestimate your mental capabilities. You are rarely
sad, and always try to think things through before you do them.
Acara : Wild and fun-loving, some can perceive you as
silly, but you're always looking for new adventures. Don't get too cocky,
or else you might become a Grarrl's next meal!
Blumaroo : Those with narrow minds classify you as a
"dumb blonde," but they just just don't know your artistic frame of mind!
You are always friendly and ready to help at the drop of a hat.
Bruce : You are sweet-tempered yet competitive, and you
love to dance! Sometimes you might be a follower, but you always carry
your own opinions first in your mind.
Buzz : Sometimes you can be annoying, but don't let that
keep you from having a good time. Others admire you for your ability to
be yourself in any situation, and also the way you laugh at their jokes.
Chia : You are the best of the bunch! Rarely a sour puss,
you're radiating with contagious happiness and, like the Bruce, you also
love to dance! Don't let the praises of others give you a big head.
Chomby : Generally shy and secretive, you only come out
of your shell when you're around close friends. You seem to hide your
true self, but never fear: your friends will love you anyway!
Cybunny : You are quiet and soft-spoken. You prefer to
be unnoticed and ignored, but you're not lacking in contentment. Secretly,
you hope you are loved.
Elephante : You love to smile, but you have a tendency
to cry a lot during stressful situations. You're only calm when you're
asleep, but it takes you a while to get to Dreamland because you're a
little nervous.
Eyrie : A born leader, you always seem to take control,
even if there are those who don't think that's such a good idea. You're
very intelligent, and occasionally you'll surprise people with a very
witty response!
Flotsam : You are very sweet and hospitable; you'd make
best friends with a Bruce. There are times, however, when you can be emotional
and need some time alone to relax your mind.
Gelert : Always courageous and ready to have a good time,
you are a friend to everyone. Be careful when you chew gum and walk at
the same time.
Grarrl : Whoa! By all means, watch that temper! Although
you're not always easy to get along with, there are those who like you
because you always seem to liven up the situation, whether you're telling
a funny joke or eating Jubjubs by the pound.
Jetsam : It's easy to tell that you are extremely quiet,
but you're also very intellectual and philosophical. Some might consider
you a "geek," but that's nothing to be ashamed of. You are very loyal
to your small circle of friends and they look up to you.
Jubjub : You're a jolly little fellow! People like you
because you're smart and happy, although you try to keep to yourself like
the Jetsam. Others aren't fooled, though.
Kacheek : "Stop and smell the flowers" is your motto.
You're very easygoing and easy to talk to, even if you don't always give
the best advice. You don't like fighting and you wish the world was a
little more like you.
Kau : Like the Blumaroo, some might think you're a little
slow, but don't worry about what they say. You love to travel and sing
in the shower, and just about everywhere you go someone is smiling at
you. Why they do is another matter.
Kiko : You are very attached to your family and friends.
You'd rather stay home than travel far away and you take good care of
your relationships with other people.
Koi : Leader of the little people, you thrive on being
nice and wish to be accepted by everybody. You rely on others to make
decisions for you, as sometimes you are not capable of making them yourself.
Korbat : Small and inquisitive, you always want to know
"why." You are happiest when learning about science and mathematics. Some
might think you're boring, but your friends know you're ready for fun.
Kougra : There is a constant battle between sweet-temperment
and a temper tantrum inside you, but onlookers wouldn't know it. You are
quiet and agile and, depending on the circumstance, you'd probably make
a good athlete.
Kyrii : As sly and secretive as you are, you would probably
get along with a Mynci. You thrive on gossip and hearing the latest news.
Watch it: some of your friends might take offense if you tell secrets
about them.
Lenny : You are so intelligent, sometimes it can be intimidating.
People go to you for advice when they're having problems, and they trust
you because you can keep even the deepest of secrets.
Lupe : You are loyal and friendly, and you have a ton
of friends. You defend those whom you love and protect those that are
weaker. Some might describe you as the perfect friend, but you know you
have your vices, so you never become vain.
Meerca : You are considered giddy and high-strung, and
you love to make other people happy. Your personality changes for the
worse, sometimes, when you are mad at someone or something. Then you become
borderline Grarrl.
Moehog : Like the Blumaroo and the Kau, you are thought
to be dimwitted, but what people don't know is that you're very wise.
You keep your wisdom to yourself, however, because you're afraid it might
not be wisdom after all.
Mynci : You are quite silly and rambunctious, which makes
you very intimidating around quiet people. But almost everyone likes you
because you prove to be the center of attention, even if you can get a
bit sarcastic.
Nimmo : Loyal and spiritually inclined, you would have
a great friendship with a Moehog because you both have wisdom. Watch out
when life suddenly turns in a different direction and you have to adjust.
Peophin : Similar to the Jetsam, you prefer to be alone,
but you love your friends just the same. It's a comfort to you to know
they're always around, even in the most trying situation.
Poogle : You are shy and lovable, and you succeed in
controlling that nasty temper that never fails to haunt you when you're
angry. You would rather be with those who are just like you than expand
your circle of friends to include others who might be different.
Pteri : High-spirited and mischievous, you love to play
tricks on others and laugh uproariously when they fall for your gimmicks.
Careful though: you might find yourself friendless if you play too nasty
of a trick.
Quiggle : You are probably the strangest of them all,
but people like you anyway. You have a natural love for sarcasm and enjoy
laughing, but don't let your own needs and wants cloud out those of your
Scorchio : Generally liked by everyone, you are outgoing
and prefer the heat rather than the cold. Your cuteness makes it irresistible
not to love you.
Shoyru : Your kind dominates the world. You are creative
and imaginative, very high-spirited and ready to make your own path instead
of follow someone else's. Be sure you don't annoy others with your self-confidence.
Skeith : Some say you're lazy, but you know better, right?
You've got friends here there, but you have no interest in something unless
you can benefit from it. Don't get too self-indulgent now; you'll need
a couple friends when times get tough.
Techo : You are radiating with delight and since you
are very attractive, a lot of people flock to you. The bad thing is they're
not very loyal because you're not very loyal to them. Stop performing
and take a long-term interest in others.
Tuskaninny : You are cute and likable, but some people
think you are gruff around the edges. You have lots of friends and you're
always searching for that perfect guy/girl.
Uni : Your description is very much like the Techo, but
you're not as outgoing Still, you think highly of yourself and your appearance,
and sometimes that can get mixed up with vanity. Try not to be superficial.
Usul : Usul's are very good and generous creatures. You
are always the first one to offer help and you never grow tired of putting
others before yourself. If you find yourself lonely, think of all the
smiles you bring!
Wocky : You seem to wear a devious grin all the time,
even if you're not conceiving some plot to take over the world. People
like you because you like yourself, but don't get too vain like the Uni.
Zafara : Your happiness always makes other people smile,
and they enjoy your weird-but-lovable disposition. Watch out for depression
because it seems to attack you when you least expect it.
[Author's Note: I take no responsibility if you don't
like the personality that matches your pet. It was just for fun, and it
can be totally untrue.]