Many of us have read articles and stories in recent Neopian
Times about the Meerca in Meerca Chase, explaining its origin and such.
But has anyone stopped to think about the Chomby in Chomby
and the Fungus Balls? Chombys truly despise Fungus Balls, correct?
Imagine how terrible his life must be! I am here with the story behind
the Chomby we all know (or most of us, anyhow).
It was a stormy Monday morning, and Chombys had just
been released to the public of Neopia. Everyone rushed to create one,
seeing as how cute they are. One particular little blue Chomby was created
first, and named (what else?) Chomby. His owner, a girl named Cheryl,
treated him as kindly as she could, with what few Neopoints she had. Soon,
she struck rich with the Neopian Stock Market, and dropped off all her
old pets at the Pound to get herself some new NeoPets.
Chomby was heartbroken. He had loved Cheryl and what
had she done? Gone and dropped him off at the Pound! Sighing, Chomby curled
up in his cage. It was just his luck, too, that his cage partner was a
sarcastic Wocky who kept remarking that they would all never find a home.
Shutting his eyes, Chomby tried to fall asleep and get
some rest. But those dreadful Fungus Balls kept entering his mind. He
was being chased and chased by these Fungus Balls, and he had to run away.
There was a glowing star he had to find, and take it to a glowing keypad.
Mushrooms were zipping and zooming about too, and he to dodge them.
The first few times he did this, it was easy, but it
got harder and harder. Finally, Chomby opened his eyes and stared at the
wall, his eyes wide open in fright. Oh, how he hated those Fungus Balls!
But something, something, was making his close his eyes again and dream
about those horrid Fungus Balls.
"No, no!" he cried, startling his sarcastic cage-mate
and Dr_Death, who rushed over. But it was too late. Chomby became stuck
in his dream. Dr_Death sighed, and gently took Chomby out of his cage
and contacted the Neopets Staff. They came and picked him up. Soon after,
they made a game out of Chomby's terrifying nightmares. Chomby wakes up
every once in a while from his dream, but he always falls back asleep
when someone wants to play Chomby and the Fungus Balls.
He is given no vacation time, he was to continually
run and dodge Fungus Balls and mushrooms, a Chomby's worst nightmare. And
does anyone care? No! They don't! But Chomby bears it all upon his brave
shoulders, and provides a fun game that gives out Neopoints to the lucky
Neopians who win. Chomby, kind as ever, grins and bears his terrible plight.