
ARC Part One: Shadow's Secret

by Sailor_Mars_2000

It was a cold and snowy day. There was no school today. I was happy. It was a snow day! Plus, I was joining ARC today. That was the best of all. I walked downstairs and ate breakfast and walked outside. My mum saved me 1,000,000,000 NP for my journey.

Yes, I am very rich. I walked along the street, which was all covered in snow and looked for ARC. "Excuse me? Is this the right place called ARC?" I asked. "Yes, remember, ze colour is always rainbow, I veen ze zign." A lady said.

I looked at the sign. Not to big, not to small, just the size of my mum's mall. My mum's mall was pretty popular but kinda big. I walked in and saw many pets, happy and some were nervous.

"Welcome! Are you-- "

"Yes," I interrupted. I sat down next to a Koi who was still crying. "It's OK, your new owner will be much better than your old..." I said.

The Koi rubbed it's eyes and smiled at me. "Well, my name is Andrea, and let's welcome our new member, Violet!" Andrea said.

The ARC members cheered. "Pick your 'pal'." Andrea said. There was a long table of eggs. They had many species. I looked. I also looked at the descriptions carefully. I wanted a Mynci but it didn't suit me. I picked the Shoyru.

"I pick the SHOYRU!" I said happily. "Good choice, they are loyal when you are nice to it. Your 'pal' is a very, very important part of your ARC journey. It will make the new pets feel comfortable and not to be left out.

You shall never sell this 'pal'. They are for life, not for Christmas or a birthday present, a life pal... If they don't like you spend time with it and get to know each other" Andrea said. "Well, what do you want it's name to be?" Andrea asked.

"Rachel!" I said. Andrea nodded. "Male or Female?"




"Wait for it to hatch," Andrea said.

The ARC members crowded around the egg. It was shaking! A girl named Veronica looked at it. It...hatched! A huge applause swept through the room. Rachel's beautiful eyes opened.

"Huh?" Rachel said cutely. Everyone laughed, even me.

"Welcome, your owner 'pal', Violet." Andrea said. I smiled and waved at Rachel. Rachel didn't seem very intelligent. "Erm-- Violet? Not to ruin your mood but, Rachel is DIM-WITTED!" Andrea said.

The girls and boys laughed. "That's nothing to laugh about, Lynn's Grundo was 'CLUELESS' and now it's a Super Genius (150) Psychic!" Andrea said. Lynn and her Grundo smiled. The Grundo was coloured? Wow! I want it coloured too!! I thought.

Rachel hugged me. "Time to go to the [Pound], the [pound] is near the graveyard on [Memory Street]." Andrea said. Rachel flapped it's wings and flew there. I was on her back!

"AUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed. She was a little too excited. We saw lots of stones. I walked to the pound and heard some pets screaming "No! No! Not the chamber!" I wondered what the chamber was...

"Scuse me, what is the 'chamber'?" I asked.

A huge extremely fat and ugly lady looked at me. "It's the "sleep" room," she said. Her voice was like a frog!

I gasped. "Why!?" I said.

"When no one wants them they have to go. It's HILARIOUS, just kidding, it's horrible," she said. "Come in," she said opening the door.

I really wanted to leave. These poor pets were all crying and saying, "Please! Oi! Look over here!" I wished I could adopt 'em all. There was a beautiful Uni, it was coloured of stars. It was a baby. "Hi!" I said. It's name was Magic. The Uni was crying a lot "I want it!" I said. Lynn was next to me. She smiled. "That's a pretty Uni!" Her Grundo was singing. It was adorable! The Uni walked out. It looked really strong. It started, growing! I walked on with Rachel, who seemed quite amused. I looked at a Scorchio and Chia.

I adopted all three. They were walking beside me. I walked into the forest. "Wait up!" A voice said behind me. I turned around. It was Lynn.

"Yes?" I asked.

She ran up to me. "I wanna join your journey," she said. I nodded. The Scorchio was called Flame, the Chia was named Banana, and an Aisha called Shadow. They were all shy. Shadow was so quiet...so suspicious.... A huge black light and evil screaming was behind us. I screamed. Lynn backed up. "Whoa!" She said running behind a tree. Shadow's eyes turned red. "Shadow!" I screamed. Grundo used its Psychic thing of ma-bobber and made it sleep. Shadow slept. We walked and saw only water!

To be continued....

ARC= Andrea's Rescue Centre

ARC: A place where abandoned pets, are important.

Join ARC by messaging Andrea_Rescue_Helper

Next week's preview: "What!!" I said. "Goooooollldddddd!!!!!" Lynn said. "Gold? Where?" I asked. Lynn's eyes where huge. I looked. Millions of crystals and diamonds AND gold where underneath. "Lets go!" I said. Grundi (the Grundo) teleported us into the city. Of... Neolantis....