
The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make its more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we recieve each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support recieved this week:

1 - Why can't we show videos to our pets?
At the moment the videos are just an item that amuses your pet, just like the toys and games. If you play with your pet it will become happier. Maybe in the future you will be able to see snippets of the videos you buy for your pet but for now you cannot.

2 - When will we be able to sell & auction & give totems?
You should be able to trade your totems later on today:)

3 - What are scrolls and motes and magic vials used for?
All the magical items will be used in the Battledome. This will be launched soon and you will be able to use all the defence, attack and magical items to try to improve your pets chances of winning a battle.

4 - How do we use the "alchemy" spell?
Again, the magic spells, scrolls and abilities will all be used in the Battledome.

5 - How exactly does the Training school work?
The Training School now has its own help page. If you feel there is anything that should be on there that isn't email helppage@neopets.com