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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 9th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 99 > Editorial


I have a question about Neoquest II: can you also play Neoquest II if your still playing Neoquest I? - Wendy51
Yes, they are totally different games.

Are you going to add some Neopedia articles about the other faeries? - Fallen_angel_of_heav
Yes, we have many new Neopedia articles planned (with any luck we are going to start adding one every few days)

I know Jelly World doesn't really exist,but if some pet discovered the *other* side of Neopia do you think that it might be found? - Aisha_lover9090
How can you find something that doesn't exist?!!?

If a neopet is restricted, will it not be allowed in certain places?
Hehe, No. Restricted means its harder to get hold of. You need to do something special in order to get it (e.g Krawk).

The lottery is the toughest game on Neopets, I suggest trophies for lottery winners :) - Coolkim
Hmm... that's a good idea, I will try to twist Adam's arm and see what I can do.

Is Neoquest 2 the 3D Dungeon Adventure you mentioned in the coming soon section? - Crunchy_snickers
Nope, thats another game :)

If you can find half eaten Loveberries in the Meridell berry finding game, why does your pet eat a Loveberry in one serving? Shouldn't it eat half a Loveberry?
Oooh, well spotted. Now if your Neopet eats a Loveberry it only eats half of it.

Hello, how do you help Darigan or Meridell to fight for the battle "Meridell v.s Darigan"?
I'm afraid that is all over now, Darigan and Meridell are living in relative peace, for now...

I don't think I particapated in NeoQuest 1 (now, I am not a newbie I'm just slow at catching on)... what is it? - Bluefishbubblepop
Only the greatest game ever made hehe just kidding. NeoQuest is a game set in Ancient Neopia. You have to navigate your way around defeating great evil as a white Lupe. You can still play it Here.

Hi, I hope you can tell me what happened to the Fall Fur Bushes. I know you changed their name, but I never see them in the garden shop anymore. Are they retired or are they becoming rare, what is happening? - Lorae166
Ahh you see there was a mistake with their name. Fall doesn't actual exist, so we changed it to Autumn. Couldn't have Neopets turning all American on us now could we! Their rarity hasn't been altered and they are still stocked in the Garden Centre, they just have a slightly different name.

I love the images in the Neopets press kit!!! Would you be able to add some Kougra pictures too? - Mic24615
Yes, we will be adding a lot more images to the press kit including all the species (well at least the attractive ones heh :P)

When I go to the Hidden Tower the Faerie Queen sometimes she says "My favourite is the Rod Of Nova, but I seem to be out of stock..." I thought the Hidden Tower had unlimited items how could she be out of stock?
Fyora still has to make the items, if people are buying faster than she can magic them up she could well be out of items when you visit her.

Can you give me a picture of the Tax Beast and tell me what is he? - _Gameslord_
The Tax Beast is an annoying visitor who travels Neopia hunting for the super rich. If he feels you have too many Neopoints for your own good he will take a large chunk of your hard earned money and run off with it.

Beware The Tax Beast!!!

If you want to make a guild how do you make a link to another page to show them stuff? - Cheat_planet
You need to use HTML, there is a very simple HTML Guide that will teach you the basics including how to add images and create links.

There are never petpets in Ye Old Petpets in Meddival. I want my neopet to get one. What are the names of some? - Osirisskaters333
Symol, Turtum, Whinny, Crockabek, Cyodrake, Albat, Vullard, Karren and Ganuthor.

What is EMS? On the world page it says the return of EMS. - Blackdragon417
Its the Evil Monster Sightings message board :) We are redoing the way our chat works and when the new version is launched we will have a few more chat boards including the return of 'Evil Monster Sightings'.

Will our neopets ever grow up and move out so we can get new ones? - Leafft
Nope, once you have a Neopet it is yours forever (or until you decide to be mean and cast it aside into the pound).

Are the ends of the magical paintbrushes always wet? Because I would imagine it would go dry, say, after a month in the safety deposit, or spending a year in a shop gallery. - Dbz_saiyan_gurl
Ahh... see a normal paint brush would dry up, but these ones magically stay wet until you use them. They also don't drip all over your safety deposit box as that would get really messy.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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