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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 91 > Articles
Background Voices of Neopia: Samrin the Kacheek

Hilarity ensues.

by simsman24000

Dr. Sloth Isn't Evil, Just Misunderstood and... Evil!

I intend to prove to you that the most nefarious villain in Neopia may not be all he's chocked up to be.

by too_kule

Editorial Know How

The help section has been around since forever and a day ago, and will always have important information all Neopians should know about.

by cherriepoof

Gaming Guide to Riches

Well how do we make money at first? Games. I’m sure you’ve heard this before but it is a fact of Neopian life that games are important for the average player.

by stunshaw2k2

How To Write a Successful Series

Now, A wants to write a series. But how does s/he do it? Well, first off, they need an idea...

by stormydreamer

I Can't Finish My Work!

What could a writer do to complete their incomplete stories?

by aachewwthree

Krawk: Neopia's STILL Most Wanted Neopet

I don't know about you, but when I first joined Neopets and zipped over to "Create A Pet" for the first time, I knew immediately which pet I wanted.

by stoneman3x

Neopian Economy: The Moneymaking Method to its Madness

There is a pattern to Neopia that takes a couple of years to study, but I willingly share my hard studied information with the rest of you now.

by alkuna

Pathetic Pets Made Easy

It's not easy to keep a pet's stats horribly bad, and it's certainly not easy to make them even worse than when you got it.

by stoneman3x

Rivalries You Didn't Even Know Existed!

Get ready to start it all over again, the age-old "My Pet is Better Than Your Pet Because it IS" debate.

by noremac9

Understanding Inflation

A common aspect of every Neopian’s life is inflation. We’ve all seen it. That 12 NP item suddenly soars to 12,000.

by archangellight


The Help Section Is Your Friend

The help section has been around since forever and a day ago, and will always have important information all Neopians should know about. Actually, many of the questions often asked in the editorial can be answered through there, the help pages... more>>

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Other Stories

Size Seeds
"You're telling me that these minuscule seeds will fill up a Scorchio, an Aisha, and a Gelert, all with huge appetites?"

by bludragn3

The Case of the Fanatical Wannabe
"Hmph, this is a very unexpected rainshower that will probably vanish by midafternoon..."

by leb388

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part One
"Who are you and how did you get in my castle?" the Skeith asked.

by jiggles24944

Teacher's Neopet: Part One
Buffy dropped the pile of books, her face pale. A book sat at the bottom of the pile, she'd never read.

by tracypaper12

Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie
The Draco Debacle Part 4

by the_darkjedi

Pup Luck
How could you possibly enjoy it here?

by lugia

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