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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 9th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 90 > Short Stories
A Figment of Your Imagination

"Tsk tsk, I think someone has been reading one too many Faerie stories," said Todd.

by peppermintpaste

A New Color

She turned the pages with mild interest, until she spotted a full page picture of a Kacheek. But this wasn't just any Kacheek!

by laurensama

At Least It Might Be Good For Publicity

"Why are you so excited about going to the Wheel of Excitement? We go there usually every week."

by turkeypen

Broken Windows and Spilt Paint

The Gelert sat on the floor of her room, broken glass all around her, and wind blowing in through the broken window.

by tolkienlordofthering

Fallen: Angel

"I have lost most of my memory, Dreamer," she said. "All I remember is falling… just falling…"

by oily106

Intruders in the Valley

No other Neopets lived in Yip's valley. For some reason, the smell of the mushrooms which usually stood out very clear in the morning air was masked by another smell.

by too_kule

Learning to Cope

Fyora knows, you've a right to be upset, and I'm upset too. But there's nothing you or I or anyone can do. We'll get used to it in time.

by taffychic

Lights, Camera, Magnolia!

"This is exactly the type of character we need for the script! What's your name?"

by peachifruit

The Aisha Brothers Go To Camp

Just as they predicted, the cabin was dreadfully dirty. They weren't alone in the cabin, either.

by hamsterz_r_best

The Kadoatie Came Back

The serious faced, squat little felines terrified Zarrelian out of his wits.

by battlesunn


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The Article of Article Writing
Surprisingly, you have no idea how easily I can miss this step, and how easily the step can be missed; in order to write an article, you must first think about what you're doing.

by chaos_shadow14

100 More (Yes, More) Ways to Tell If You're Addicted to the Times
When you go to Wall Street to talk about the latest stock report in the News Brief.

by simsman24000

Just Ixi: Part One
I must have been knocked out by our fall, for when I woke, it was nearly midnight.

by superixionffx

Odd-Job Shelly: Part One
"Let's just see how many Neopoints you spent..."

by battlesunn

Crazy Cafeteria
Looks like another food fight in the cafeteria...

by timbosundo

Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie
The Draco Debacle Part 3

by the_darkjedi

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