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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 85 > Short Stories
A Gelert's Tail

Somehow, it had never bothered her before, but now when she gazed at it the picture of the Wocky’s luxuriant glossy flag of a tail rose in her mind’s eye, her own tail now looked ugly to her.

by shelleylow

A Maraquan Adventure

In search of a Sea Slug...

by smileyface12_5690

Addiction and Back – The Dangers of Scratchcards

"How many scratchcards did you buy, Lunacy?"

by umbra_lupus

Akido Lessons

"The purpose of this lesson shall teach you how to become the hunter, and avoid being hunted."

by erika_idle

Chias Shouldn't Have to Wear Leashes

"Coma is a Lupe. Lupes are supposed to eat Chias. What you're doing is just wrong! Also, --"

by turkeypen

Hunt For the Gormball

 "We have to find it. That cost me over 1000 Neopoints, two month's allowance!" I replied, diving into the river, and letting it carry me downstream.

by tolkienlordofthering

Ixi Of Doom + Teacher Of Terror = 32

"Well?" he asked, glaring at the Ixi. "Do you have anything to say, mister Zarrelian?"

by battlesunn

Meeting Aletra

Bre whipped out three shiny silver ticket that had gold writing on them. "Three tickets to see 'What's Cooking?' with Aletra Aisha!"

by _qwertypants_

Purple Power!

He heaved the backpack on his back and fitted his Kauboy hat on. He swam out and started to explore around the place...

by neomaster_49


"Err, did you say, picture day?" he asked gingerly. The teacher nodded.

by battlesunny

Swirlyhorn: An Unusual Home

"You've been here for quite some time, Swirlyhorn. We've decided to move you to the non-visible area."

by apparent

The Babaa Plush

She raced through the isles packed full of toys and dolls, thinking the whole time what type of toy she would buy...

by laurensama

What Goes Around Comes Around

I reached my claws into my wallet and pulled out a crumpled, one thousand Neopoint bill. My heart fluttered. Maybe I could haggle with the shop owner and bring the price down to a thousand Neopoints.

by tyhnos


"A Gelert's Tail" by shelleylow - Treefur swiftly turned her head to see a creature she had never seen before. It was slightly smaller than her, with large pointed ears, brown eyes and a pink ruff of fur around its neck... more>>

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Other Stories

The Look of the Neopoint
The Neopoint. Is it paper? Is it a coin? Is it a virtual currency? When we go to the store, how do we bring our Neopoints with us?

by annawann

Mutant Graveyard of NeoPoints
There are so many things that could keep a person from wanting to play this game. It's slow, most levels don't give you more than 100 NP, the food is gross, and the sounds are scary.

by itsmejose

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part One
When would she come? She had said that she would. The memory of what happened was still so clear in the Ghost Lupe's head.

by chipster33

Aisha Dark Shadow: Part One
Shaina squeaked quietly, as the object released her. Then she realized that the thing that grabbed her was a neopet in a large cloak, and looked much like a detective himself.

by adoriblelapin

Bucky the Babaa
Baaad hair day... Oh, so corny!

by simsman24000

Home Spun Tails
The time has come...

by tahara69

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