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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 85 > Continuing Series
Abby’s First Adventure: Part Two

I thought a little bit. Shortly, I realized that Abby was right. How would he get rid of the Gulwags if the Sqigelyjigs won't eat them?

by music261

Amita: Part Three

 "It's Wahre," he panted, "She's sick!" He promptly led me into the main house and up the stairs...

by catlady87

Dragonmist: Part Sixteen

 "I'm not here to discuss my past, Pantheera. I'm here to discuss our future. Everyone's future. Surely you've all felt there's something in the air…"

by jenjen26785

E-Gates and Extraterrestrials: Part Six

Ridergirl has a theory. She says we may be able to get back to Neopia via the website dedicated to Neopia...

by ridergirl333

Imperfect Dark: Part Five

"I don't know why you have a grudge against me. What I have done to upset you?" Illusen whimpers.

by plushieowner

Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part Five

"There had better be a good explanation behind all of this!" the Usul's muffled voice screeched. "And I think I have a pretty good idea of what it is."

by peachifruit

Nobody's Angel: Part Five

The kitchens at Grundo's Cafe were swarming with pets, mostly Grundos and robots. Bitsy picked her way through the crowd till she found the Chief Chef.

by supergirl309

Of War and Amulets: Part Six

She took no notice, her mind set on the task ahead, to reach Meridell and then head to Sakhmet to give them the amulet and stop the Shadow Army.

by yellowyoshi749

Once Upon a Time in Faerieland: Part Four

Takayla faced them and plainly said, "We have to find a way to get out of here." Many of the Faeries looked skeptical, others looked hopeful.

by dynamitebl

Petpet Rescue: The Horrors of the Mines: Part Two

Home wouldn't be the same without Barbhead. I wouldn't let… Couldn't let my Barbat down...

by ridergirl333

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Three

As they neared their vessel, the two travelers could see a pirate Flotsam standing on the plank between the boat, the Santa Mara, and the dock...

by buddy33774

The Legend of Bunny Ketsosu: Part Three

"Okay, here's the plan... we're gonna be going to the Eastern City first. It's called the City of Kashi-Tara, you got it?"

by tronbonne1718

The Mercenary Lawyer: Part Four

I took out my flashlight, switched it on, covered it with some cloth so that the light was dimmed, and began navigating my way through the caverns...

by moonsunangel

The Ultimate Time Twisters Adventure: Part Nine

 "Why is this taking so long?" asked Millyum in the darkness. Normally it only took a few seconds for the time travel to be completed, but this was taking a number of minutes.

by too_kule

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries -- Part Three

 “And where, by chance, did you get the money to go to the Haunted Woods and the money to buy the items for Edna?” I asked him.

by neojolteon2

To Save a Friend: Part Two

After being raised by a Faerie, one develops certain instincts, and fear of Balthazar is one. I did manage to suppress my fear, but I had to catch up to everyone else.

by ieva_kasku

Tsunami Takes the Stage: Part Two

"S_Tsunami. Would you go up on the stage please?" Ms. Silkfinn smiled gently at her.

by shelleylow


"What Goes Around Comes Around" by tyhnos - Our owner had given us each one thousand Neopoints to spend on something that we liked. Darreliax instantly went off and wasted most of it on teeth-rotting candy... more>>

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Other Stories

A Maraquan Adventure
In search of a Sea Slug...

by smileyface12_5690

Hunt For the Gormball
 "We have to find it. That cost me over 1000 Neopoints, two month's allowance!" I replied, diving into the river, and letting it carry me downstream.

by tolkienlordofthering

The Look of the Neopoint
The Neopoint. Is it paper? Is it a coin? Is it a virtual currency? When we go to the store, how do we bring our Neopoints with us?

by annawann

Mutant Graveyard of NeoPoints
There are so many things that could keep a person from wanting to play this game. It's slow, most levels don't give you more than 100 NP, the food is gross, and the sounds are scary.

by itsmejose

Bucky the Babaa
Baaad hair day... Oh, so corny!

by simsman24000

Home Spun Tails
The time has come...

by tahara69

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