"What Goes Around Comes Around" by tyhnos - Our owner had given us each one thousand Neopoints to spend on something that we liked. Darreliax instantly went off and wasted most of it on teeth-rotting candy... more>>
Hunt For the Gormball "We have to find it. That cost me over 1000
Neopoints, two month's allowance!" I replied, diving into the river, and letting
it carry me downstream.
The Look of the Neopoint The Neopoint. Is it paper? Is it a coin? Is it a virtual currency? When we
go to the store, how do we bring our Neopoints with us?
Mutant Graveyard of NeoPoints There are so many things that could keep a person from wanting
to play this game. It's slow, most levels don't give you more than 100 NP, the
food is gross, and the sounds are scary.
The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part One When would she come? She had said that she would. The memory of what happened
was still so clear in the Ghost Lupe's head.
Aisha Dark Shadow: Part One Shaina squeaked quietly, as the object released
her. Then she realized that the thing that grabbed her was a neopet in a large
cloak, and looked much like a detective himself.