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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 77 > Editorial


Will Meridell ever be coming back or is it lost forever?
The inhabitants of Meridell are quite a resiliant bunch, I am sure they will rebuild their homes and be back eventually.

You've got notepads... how about sketchpads for the artists of us Neopians :D?
We did do an unlined sketch book in Limited Too last summer. It was pretty rare and sold out quickly. We have some more sketch books in the works so hopefully you will be able to get hold of one soon.

What species of Neopets that are going to be released on the "Pocket Neopet?" - Nightmare274
The first three are a Kacheek in a Haunted Woods setting, an Aisha in the Lost Desert and a Kougra in Mystery Island. There are more planned for release soon but I am not allowed to tell you anymore at the moment :p

May I just venture to ask why the description to a can of prune juice is: Ewww Prune Juice, thats nasty! Just what you really wanted to win from the Tombola Game! - Krayz_
Have you ever TASTED Prune juice???? Its so nasty!

Did you know Neopets dosen't have any real peanuts! There are peanut brittles but no peanuts. Are you going to make peanuts? - Wolfgal_paws
Lol, yeah. You can expect to see peanuts sometime next week.

Why isn't the Desert Ixi shown on the all colors page of the Rainbow pool? They can still be painted that color can't they?
Oops... Yes they can. I must have forgotten to add it. It should be there now.

What are the names of the Darigan plushies?
They are called Drackonack Plushie, Darigan Skeith Plushie and Darigan Moehog Plushie.

Are paint brushes reusable or are they one-time-use only?
They are one use items I am afraid, once you paint your Neopet they disapeer.

How come there was no reminder to those who play neopets that Feb 3rd was Zafara day but you've given reminders about other Neopet special days?
Well it seems that Zafara owners are super loyal. We already had a ton of Zafara related entries well ahead of time so we didn't need to post any notices.

Will there ever be more colours bottle of sands? like yellow, pink, purple and orange? That would be really cool because I collect them! - Foefighter
Yes, there will be. Actually we are planning to do something special with the bottles of sand very soon. Once we launch that there will be lots of different coloured sands.

I looked up Pear of Disintegration on the shop wiz and it said there was no such thing. Then I tried it under identical to my phrase and it still wasnt there. Is it broken or something? - Mwashburn20
This just means nobody had the Pear of Disintegration in their shop when you looked. The Shop Wizard only searches current items for sale, not all the items in the game. The Pear of Disintegration is SUPER RARE so you will probably have a hard time finding it.

Why is that when you buy a Sludgy, it says hes , not his?
That is the Sludgy's description, he is sludgy, slimy and brown and wants to be your bestest pal! I have changed it to 'He is' so it is clearer.

Is there any help available for the Petpet battles? Such help should include the difference between a body & a head blow, the effect of higher levels of petpets, what the shield really does, and any degree of strategy that will aide in being successful in the petpet battles.
Not currently although there is one on its way.

Yes, I was wondering, you refer to Darigan as 'evil', but I, who is a fan of Darigan, find this unfair, since after all, you are the creators of neopets. Thus shouldn't you treat both sides equally, and not prefer one over the other?
Who said evil was neccessarily a bad thing? You can have too much cute and fluffy :p

How come Uni's have practically NO good colours (except green) and not many battle items?
Oh that's because we hat Unis (j/k). There are 21 different paint brushes for the Uni which is way more than the Draik, Koi, Korbat, Krawk, Pteri, Mynci etc, so you really do have a lot of options. More will be added for EVERY species throughout the year we just can't do them all at once.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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