I have a petpet and it gained a level. If I remove it to sell it or give it to another pet will it keep the
When you transfer petpets away from their Neopet they will lose any levels they have gained.
Does half price day affect the shops on Krawk Island?
No, Krawk Island has its own economy and they don't seem to know half price day exists.
Is Lisha from the Meridell plot related to or descended to the collectable card Li-sha?
No, they just happen to have similar names. Many of the collectable cards have temporary names and that is
one that may change later on.
When is Draik Day?
Draik day is on the 9th day in the month of Gathering (that's September the 9th btw)
In your world section, you say that Orange Neopets are coming soon. Will
there be a new paint brush or is that going to be the fifth color you can
choose when you make a pet?
It will be a new paintbrush.
How come organic red grapes are purple?
Red grapes are kind of purple anyway. Ok not quite as purple as the ones in Neopia, but they are not really red.
Is there any way of completing Neopets? If so what do you get for it and has
anyone done it before?
Nope, Neopets continually changes and grows so there is no way to complete it. You may complete a small section, but
you will never be able to complete everything on the site.
Is Thyassa male or female? I am pretty sure I have seen both.
Thyassa was a little boy, then Adam changed him to a girl. He will be a boy again shortly!
Sniff... I am NOT a girl!
What kind of petpet is turmuculus, and who owns him?
Turmaculus is an ancient beast who was originally a rather rare Petpet called a
Turmac, he just grew far bigger than all the others.
If I remove my account will my Neopet's name still be taken?
Yes, we hold all names that have ever been created as sometimes people will come back and re-activate their
old accounts.
How do you increase the level of your Petpet?
Turmaculus will increase the level of the petpet, you just need to wake him up nicely.
What is your most popular game?
The old favourite Meerca Chase is still the game that gets the most plays each day, although with new games like
Round Table Poker and NeoQuest II coming up, who knows :)
I am guessing that now that Petpets have levels, it means that they will be stronger and more useful in the
Battledome. Is that true?
Yes, your pet will have the damage it does multipplied by the level of its Petpet. For example a Neopet
that would normally do 10 points of damage that owns a level three petpet will now do 30 points of damage.
What does It mean by "Reached max daily score post" when I was posting my game results?
Flash games only allow you to send your score three times a day. You can play them as many times as you
wish, but you can only claim the Neopoints for three. You will see that warning if you are trying to send your
score for the fourth time or more.
Whoo Hoo! Collecting stamps is such a cool idea! But... where is the Post
Office Kiosk? I can't find it on the map!?
The post office will be on the shops map on Monday, for now you can go there from the link on
New Features.
Why can't you build your neohome in all the lands but Krawk island and the
Space station?
Because we forgot to add them. This will be fixed this week, thanks for reminding us :)
Will the current Neoquest be replaced when Neoquest II comes?
No, it will be a completely different game with a lot more added features, better graphics and
an even nastier set of enemies.
What is that body armour for Bruce's called?
It is rather unimaginitively called Bruce Body Armour!
What day does The Neopian Times come out?
It should be on a Friday evening, although sometimes we can get a little behind. It is always released by Sunday at the
latest though.
Is Dr. Sloth involved in the next war?
No, in fact now I think about it, no one has heard anything about Dr Sloth since that whole episode with Brucey B and
the lucky coin...
I just changed my Peophin into a red Koi but my Peophin's homepage didn't change!
If you have edited your pet's webpage it will not update to the new species when you morph your Neopet.
If you want to get the Koi webpage you will need to reset your webpage, although this will get rid of
any changes you had made to it. This is an option at the bottom of the 'edit your homepage' page.
Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to
editor@neopets.com. The most
common questions will appear here next week.