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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 50 > New Series

Fields of Green: Part One

"Watch it, you little slime ball! You should watch where you're going!"

by gzusgirl

Magnolia and the Desert Princess: Part One

"Odd," Magnolia said to herself. "Um... so, what should I do about all of this?"

by peachifruit

The Crows: Part One

"Who's that up on stage?" he asked the waitress.

by geovii

The Plushie Factory: Part One

"Neo4793475aa, you have not even finished one plushie! I need these done and shipped back to the toy shop by six O clock, NST. Pick up the pace!"

by battlesunn

The Rewards of Kindness: Part One

"Your owner decided to get a Shoyru and she wanted to get rid of you..."

by eevee_girl133


Tons of Fun!
This week's issue is brought to you by: Guess the Weight of the Marrow!

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Other Stories

The Monologue of Darkwise the Krawk
Ha ha ha... how lame is that?

by averyangryshaylir

Dragon Thieves: Of Faerie Wings and Dreams
"Perhaps. I tell you, I hate this job more every day..."

by child_dragon

Underwater Petpets - The Creatures of the Deep
Rather than swirling lazily in a bowl, these tropical Petpets will eagerly follow any Neopet that they bond with...

by fiery_dragon_fang

Everyone Works for Sloth!
A small silver plaque on it read: JUDJE HOG. "These people need to check their spelling..."

by pvk4444

Oh, What Crazy Girls!
Carrying food on your head?

by arctic_camel

Agent Izzy
What dreams may come...

by bshaunae

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