Fields of Green: Part One
"Watch it, you little slime ball! You should watch where you're going!"
by gzusgirl
Magnolia and the Desert Princess: Part One
"Odd," Magnolia said to herself. "Um... so, what should I do about all of this?"
by peachifruit
The Crows: Part One
"Who's that up on stage?" he asked the waitress.
by geovii
The Plushie Factory: Part One
"Neo4793475aa, you have not even finished one plushie! I need these done and shipped back to the toy shop by six O clock, NST. Pick up the pace!"
by battlesunn
The Rewards of Kindness: Part One
"Your owner decided to get a Shoyru and she wanted to get rid of you..."
by eevee_girl133
by averyangryshaylir
by child_dragon
by fiery_dragon_fang
by pvk4444
by arctic_camel
by bshaunae