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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 50 > Comics
Agent Izzy

What dreams may come...

by bshaunae

Beneath Skeith


by scarfdance

Doctor! Doctor!

Can the Doctor help this poor Aisha?

by _mimiki_

Dotwarner Comic

"Excuse me, but Wadjet say?"

by dotwarner

Free Doughnuts

Did someone say "free"?

by salocepy

Kids, Please Don't Try This at Home...

Um, yeah, please don't.

by fritzaroo

Life as a Teenager

Having trouble with the Petpets, huh?

by candy_cat_77

Life With Tonus

Well, it sure beats a life with sludge.

by smudgeoffudge

Oh, What Crazy Girls!

Carrying food on your head?

by arctic_camel

Poor Dr_Death

Guess who's back?

by karma_leafbarer

Quatringa Goes to the Movies

Ahhh, the silent movies...

by indigokitten

Shamus and Lila

Justice these days!

by championferret

Shopping for Trouble


by ravenzz

Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie

The Battledome Crisis #5

by the_darkjedi

The Cheesy Neos

Ew, hopefully the there won't be any potato salad coming up anytime soon...

by justduckygal

The Chiropteric Poogle!

The Sheep of Doom...

by oddhatter

The Eye of Evil: Part Eleven

Oh, so you and Sloth are friends now? I see how it is...

by daffodillie

The Moo Strip

Thirsty for knowledge?

by mousequeen

The PetPet Herd

This is one very determined Mallard...

by simsman24000

Things To Teach Your Pets

Good to know...

by night_dragon66

Wooden Spoons

Strangeheart is in Love!

by utopianmachine


Your First Five Days as a Neopian...

Okay, so you're new to Neopets, and you want a guide to show you the Dos and Don'ts of playing the game. This article doesn't take much time to take into action. Note: This guide was intended for Neopians who don't have much time on Neopets, but are on almost every day... more>>

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Other Stories

The Monologue of Darkwise the Krawk
Ha ha ha... how lame is that?

by averyangryshaylir

Dragon Thieves: Of Faerie Wings and Dreams
"Perhaps. I tell you, I hate this job more every day..."

by child_dragon

Underwater Petpets - The Creatures of the Deep
Rather than swirling lazily in a bowl, these tropical Petpets will eagerly follow any Neopet that they bond with...

by fiery_dragon_fang

Everyone Works for Sloth!
A small silver plaque on it read: JUDJE HOG. "These people need to check their spelling..."

by pvk4444

The Crows: Part One
"Who's that up on stage?" he asked the waitress.

by geovii

Magnolia and the Desert Princess: Part One
"Odd," Magnolia said to herself. "Um... so, what should I do about all of this?"

by peachifruit

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