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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 42 > Articles
Are YOU A Neo-Addict?

Take this quiz to find out!

by kallie182

Baby Paint Brushes: Cruel? I Think Not!

Personally I think you should talk to your pet first before cranking out that 250,000 NP...

by nuimechan

Cheat! Chat

There are many strategies to get through each game, but this is one of the best that I have found.

by lordamger

Fact or Fiction: Tombola A Cheat?

Have you ever stop to think if the Tiki Tack Man was a cheater?

by ritz_3

Finding Your Niche in the Economy

One of the best ways to earn Neopoints/items is exchanging them with other players.

by sarakrindel

Games Galore!

Wowee! The Neopets Team has been really busy lately!

by themissy11

How to Be a Fan

I am a fan of many, many Neopians here.

by muas

How to have an Effective NeoDeck

So, you want to have a NeoDeck? Well, first... how many Neopoints do you have?

by hyper_anthony1000

If You Can't Take the Heat, Don't Play This Game

Not to disappoint, the Neopets staff has again taken us to an interesting locale as we enter a cavern of a Tyrannian volcano...

by justice_faerie

Refusing, Denying, Rejecting: Same Thing!

But then, your pet gives it back to you and says, "That is SUCH a boring book!" Well, what should you do?

by lyra142

Secrets of the Secret Laboratory Map

All of you Neopians out there must have been wondering about the powers of the Secret Lab map.

by sarahishika

Splashgold's Koi Day and What You Should Do on Your Pets Day

As always, I spoiled my own personal Koi on this day.

by epk

The Good, The Bad, and The Sickly

We all know how difficult and expensive it can be to take care of your NeoPet. It is a responsibility not entirely unlike having a child.

by saracroft

The Machines of Neopia

Yup, a guide on the infamous machines of Neopia.

by chineseangel8

The Mysterious Alien Replicator

"Where does the Alien Aisha

by deejay435

The Neopian Seedy Underbelly

Everyday NeoPets are falling victim to Neopia's ever-popular gaming station...

by chanlord

The Pant Devil's Secret

"Hey Pant Devil..."

by pasonia

The Top Seven Reasons Why Neopets is Good For You

This is for all you Neopians out there who have, at one stage or another, been hassled by your parents to stop playing Neopets and do your homework.

by bluescorchio104

TMTEYN 5: Terror Mountain, Using Terror as a JOKE!

Garage sale... in this weather???

by johnnebot

Unlocking the Secrets of the Snowager

Legends have been spread by the word of mouth since the beginning of time, and are as unreliable as a biased article found in the Neopian Times.

by druidgetafix

What Luck!

Ever wondered why you've not been winning anything at the Fruit Machine for the last three hundred and fifty-six times you've been there?

by chewing_dung

Zeke Speaks: Thoughts from a Library Legend - Review IV

This week I want to tell you about two books that have come out in recent months and one oldie...

by missphd


Refusing, Denying, Rejecting: Same Thing!

Before I get on with things, I would like to talk about some things that might concern some of you. In my last article, I talked about three different kinds of rejects. They were food rejects, game rejects, and toy rejects. For all those Neopian players out there who have not read my last article and are thinking that I am a total nutcase for saying that there were such things... more>>

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Other Stories

Battle of Friends
Jade grinned at her opponent, a handsome spotted Kougra, Gaalin, who also happened to be one of her best friends.

by horsechicklet

A Boring Day
BoBo the Tyrannian Kacheek had not eaten for three days already and was famished and starved.

by ticketytock2kay

The Chain Quiz: Part One
I was pulled through the screen and suddenly found myself falling through the air...

by alkuna

Doomsday Rider V: The PSY-Borg Invasion: Part One
"What could I do to conquer Neopia?" he asked himself.

by yugo149

Lil Meanie
What a terrible sight...

by _lil_ma_

The Real Winner
You can't win 'em all...

by 843gerry

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