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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 14th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 135 > Continuing Series
An Orange Fuzzle: Part Three

You have to understand that Devil did not usually give up on things the first try. But he had a feeling that no matter what he did, he would never see his sisters again...

by joey200010

Fateful Decisions: Part Four

Ealdor's thoughts had turned dark; he could barely see three feet in front of him. All was lost he knew, and accepted without a second thought.

by ruin_star

From Light to Darkness: Part Four

At the end of the room was one big golden throne. Next to it were four other thrones, way smaller then the one in the middle. In the throne at the left of the middle throne sat a faerie.

by hitmontop444

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Five

"Just drink this, child." She handed me the vial of bubbling green liquid. Plugging my nose, I chugged it down as quickly as possible, then resisted the urge to throw up.

by ridergirl333

Identity: Part Two

"Where are we going to today, Mister?" the Acara asked, changing the subject completely.

by chocolateisamust

Kass, Are You There? It’s Me, Sunny: Part Three

I walked up the cool steps to the door and opened it up, seeing Fire, Fuzzy, and Mom all awaiting my arrival home...

by shoyrumastertrainer

Lab Ray: Part Six

Shopping, the magic word. She would do anything to be taken shopping. So, without further ado, she whipped the hat off her head and threw it into the red bars.

by chipster33

Princess of Erodaire: Part Two

I always wanted to be a peasant, for being a princess isn't exactly what everyone thinks... especially if you're the princess of a disturbed kingdom such as ours, Erodaire.

by christinetran

Storm Eyes: Part Six

"We are very pleased to have Anshi as our guide. He will undoubtedly prove to be a very good one, and I am honored that you allowed him to join us."

by allhailtheprincess

The Curse of the Citadel: Part Two

“Mya, remember when I told you about the great war?” said Stacy. “Between the Draconians? And us?”

by jinjolover

The Defenders of Light: The Struggle Begins -- Part Two

"You are under arrest for trying to take over Virtupets!" declared Dr. Sloth.

by npmasterx01

The Quest of the Golden Negg: Part Seven

"I don't see a light," Master Vex declared. "Nobody would enter a stairwell without light," he said jokingly. "Why, that would be like locking yourself in prison."

by angelzbabe13

To be a Master: Hidden Powers -- Part Three

"Instead of the training hall," the Aisha continued, "we will trek to a waterfall I know and conduct out training there. It's a change of scenery and I have practiced lifeforce training there before..."

by shelleylow


"Seeing the Truth" by ginger23456 - Verity was a starry Lenny and had been born with this strange and powerful ability... more>>

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Other Stories

Seeing the Truth
People had always called her weird. Sometimes people were too scared to go near her, not because of her special ability, but more the fact that they thought she was crazy...

by ginger23456

That's Life! (For us anyway...)
"Call me either Detective or Khargana or both. Not 'miss'.

by appaloosa500

Mutant Mayhem
They're everywhere, poor twisted mutants created by the vain intelligence of Dr. Frank Sloth...

by barbcat00

A Beginner’s Guide to Neoquest 2: Chapters 4
What to expect now? More enemies who WILL use their skills often; they all have more life than you, and really cool bosses. All right!

by kongsingcheung

Really Confused
"About A Rescue"

by stoneman3x

What In Neopia? #8
Challenger Choices

by wonderweezel

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