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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 126 > Short Stories
Abilities of Change

She's always wanted nothing more than to belong, and today -- ah, precious today! Today she would have her wish granted.

by peachifruit

Another Melodramatic Story or Tale

"Erika? Will you read us another story? Like you did last week?"

by erika_idle

Daymien's Sister

No one ever asked me to arrange anything. But if they had asked me right then what I wanted to do, I know what I would have answered: I wanted to go and look for my sister!

by haywire_kitty

Hannah's After Adventure

Hannah awoke to the sound of seagulls cawing nonchalantly. Rising up to her feet, she discovered she was covered in damp, sandy cloth, the cloth that used to be her clothes, that is...

by iwantchomby

The Fir’s King

Fir existed a long time before they began to be sold as petpets, and the people of the Happy Valley knew about their existence for longer than anyone can remember...

by aerisangel01

The Legend of Vira

"Vain!" Vira screeched. "I am not vain! I'm going to get you Kalon!" She lunged at him and chased him down the hall.

by hffichhoria

The Medicinal Soap Dilemma

“There is NO way you’re ever going to get me in that childish, foul, dirt!” Melodyz shouted at them, in her ladylike voice

by l3estest

The Seris Story

Seris turned back his head and plunged underwater. He opened his eyes and looked around...

by sirussblack

The Tale of Dire Misfortune

"Don't be afraid. Go ahead and sssspin," he hissed. She put a trembling paw on the skull lever and pulled.

by thecougar400

Too Hot: Transcribed

She missed -- friends. The tight-knit Moehogs went around doing their daily work and passed by her store daily, but they considered her an outsider -- merely a tourist.

by c0v2jn


A Sticky Situation

Lately, there has been a certain invasion of slimy and green infested items/pets that are just dripping with the thing that we could only find in certain unclean noses (and sometimes other places). From Crunchy Snot Balls and Snotty Pens to poor Snotbunnies and the recently released Snot Meerca... more>>

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Other Stories

A Guide to Faerie Bubbles
Although the score you get is partially based on your skill, this guide includes some things you can change about your play of the game to get a higher score.

by gkskis

Merato Tells: How to Become a Knight
I was just sitting in Lady Mera's bedroom trying to comprehend how many possible ways to frame my sister for my breaking Mera's favorite lamp when I saw a pile of shuffled letters on her desk...

by meratocat

Deep Six II: Part One
Shadowflame was bound by divine destiny...

by brains03

Operation Neopia: Invincible Ice
We need to destroy the Frozzen Lands so that "Operation Neopia can't get the Scroll Weapon inside, the Frozen Blade of Ghorchester. If they do, they'll only seven more..."

by monarchistknight

Eye on the Prize
She'll never know the difference...

by ookamihi

Really Confused
"About Plushie Petpets"

by stoneman3x

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