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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 125 > Editorial


What's the difference between a Blooky and an Angelpuss? Only the number of eyes? - Tdolotova
No, A Blooky is special petpet that you can only get at the Island Cooking Pot.

When you read a book to your pet, it vanishes in a certain coloured puff of smoke. Does it make a difference what colour smoke it vanishes in? - _Angel_bl00d_
Nope, not at all. Its just a nice little effect. I mean it would beboring if they were all the same colour.

Could there be a Sloth Training school? My Techo would be interested, as would I. - Kek_kek_kek
Hehe, possibly. Who knows, I am sure Dr Sloth will be coming back in the not too distant future.

I'm a big fan of the Neopets TCG and I was wondering if you would be putting some more decks up? This has been very helpful in the past. Also, will there be another Staff Tournament with the Meridell expansion? Thanks :D - pkboy
Yes we will add more decks and a tournament is beginning shortly. In fact we have just taken all the names of staff members who wish to be part of the tournament and will be releasing more information shortly.

Is there going to be an alien paintbrush ? -Eemilyhogan132
Most probably not. The Alien Aisha will most likely be the only Neopet that can be turned alien.

Could you guys add some more Faerie coloring pictures? I'd especially like to colour the Space Faerie or Fyora! - Duckylv
Sure :)

Can you make faerie food a little easier to get? - Superbob226
That may upset people who have spent ages collecting the hard to find items. We can add some less rare faerie foods soon though.

Is Dr. Frank Sloth different from Sloth? - Shushucat1103
Nope, Dr Frank Sloth is also known as Dr Sloth, Sloth and even Slothy to those that know him well.

Hot Skrazzzle- Hot Skrazzles have a particularly strange taste rather like a super spicy carrot. Notice a difference? The item name has 3 z's but the description only has 2 z's. Which one is right? - Tessabuggywuggy
It should be Hot Skrazzle. It was a typo that has now been fixed.

When we enter the caption contest do we have to put our username at the top or does it automatically do that? - Piquancy
That is already done for you, you only need to enter your caption.

I was playing Extreme Herder yesterday when it was the featured game, and I scored enough points for me to get 600 NP. it only doulbed to 1000, not 1200. Why can't I get all of my well-earned neopoints? - Wiza_
The maximum points you can earn is 1000 NP from any game, if it is the featured game, it just makes it much easier to earn the maximum.

Please could you be so kind as to explain what that black slime is that covers some of Meridell's Fruit and veg? (eg.Blackened Banana) Where does it come from? - __Bouncy__
Heh, that was dating back from the Darigan invasion, the nasty plague they bought with them blackened some of Meridell's food. I guess it should be retured now though.

Is there such a thing as a "Sixth Dice" in Dice-A-Roo? - Magicpochacco

Is Sinsi male or female? - Koriekaku
Sinsi is a little girl.

Can you kill the Grarrl in Pterattack? - Edna4275
I am afraid not, your best bet is to just try and avoid him.

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Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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