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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 117 > Short Stories
A New Found Friend

"Ha! Look at him, the little squirt," shouted one of the bullies, "he can't even hold onto his lunchbox!"

by ziesolles

Codestone Hunters: Beginnings

"I wonder if the Techo Master lets younger pets train… maybe I can pull a few strings so that this little guy can defend himself."

by lost_desert_fan

Ever Faithful

"Caero, what's happening? I'm scared!"

by shura_dono

Ghost Hunt

"This is getting boring," said Hobbes, a red Kougra. "We nearly die every day because of you. You're constantly looking for the Ghost Lupe."

by megalex231

Grey Despair Golden Hope: The Starless, the Cursed

The shadow, really a young Dark Faerie apprentice of Grindomara backed away from her mistress slowly, eyes wide with panic. "Please, my lady! Have pity!"

by ridergirl333

Kame's Job

"You sent Kame, with 5,000 Neopoints, to the Employment Agency. With 5,000 Neopoints. 5,000 Neopoints that I worked for. With Kame. To the Employment Agency."

by poetheiress

Sick At Home

"Okay, so maybe I'm not… Aah-Aah-Aah-CHOOOOOOO... feeling so good today, but whatever you do, don't tell Trini I'm sick. She'll just worry and you know what Trini's like when she worries."

by charmedhorses

The Catalyst

"Who's there? Stal? Vesp? Nauta?" Kettch inquired of the darkness. The only sound to be heard was that of his petpet--Niveus, a beautiful white Weewoo-- 'weewooing' into the night.

by stal0s

The Spyders Are Coming!

"They won't get me in here, they won't get me in here..." he kept mumbling to himself, curling into a tiny ball.

by appaloosa500

The Ugly Maraquan Krawk

Although the Maraquans are usually seen as freaks by the rest of the world, it doesn't seem to bother them, for they in turn see the freaks among their own.

by uiscefinsceal

What Goes Around, Comes Around

"Hand over the items and make it snappy. We're hungry. Give us food. Or whatever you happen to be handling, you understand. Unless you want to serve yourself as a measly replacement."

by _cherryblossom_40


"Ever Faithful" by shura_dono - Azrel was startled from her sleep by the sounds of crashing trees and terrified screeching. Being only a week old and barely able to fly, the frightened little cloud Pteri began to cry for her mother... more>>

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Other Stories

The Interview with the Igloo Chias
“Oh yes, we do still intend to move. But as you can see, our garage sale is a huge success and we haven’t sold all our stuff yet."

by deke_plushies

Carry on, Doctor Sloth!
Calm down, there’s enough Sloth for everyone. I usually don’t believe in trequels but I believe it is my duty to please the fans.

by plushieowner

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part One
"Maybe you should let her go with you Zarrel," he said softly to me "The best way to learn is to try something out."

by meratocat

Dropped from the Skies: Part One
"There's this Faerie on the beach and she needs help! She told us to find her Shoyru!"

by furbyfun

The Shunny Side of Life
Extra! Extra!

by pyro_koopa

The Little Things
I'm so going to get that little Boochi!

by strangeuser

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