A Writer On WritingHere's something I feel I REALLY need to say, in spite of the fact
it's already been said in numerous writing guides- CONSTANTLY IMPROVE!by bluescorchio104 | Another Dear RoxyThe Striped Shoyru is still offering her
advice to help the troubled world of Neopia.by roxycaligirl101 | Article AftermathDo you ever wonder what interesting things happen after you have had your article
published? by glowing_dreamz | Ask ‘Dr’ Sloth: The Doctor Is In!What happens when world domination plans fall though? You
become an agony aunt advice columnist for a well known Neopian
newspaper.by plushieowner | Decorating your Neopets BedroomNot only is a Neopet’s bedroom the perfect place for them to sleep, but also
they can spend a lot of quality time in there too -- if you have the right furniture.by arden_starr | Faerie in a Bottle, Tell Me the TruthIsn't it sweet? Just a group of Faeries kindly helping pets to become productive
citizens of Neopia...by shimmering_aurora | How Much Is That Avatar In The Window? -- Part Two: TitlesActually, these NeoTitles go into a little more depth than the avatars do...by im_kokopelli | How to Have Fun Without Breaking the BankHere I will tell you how to have fun -- without spending any money!by fairybead | Mochi's Guide To Sitting Pretty In NeopiaWhat's the best way to make lots of
NP fast?" Well listen up 'cause I'm about to tell you!by mochiyochi | TCG, CTH, and Big Headed People?There are, it seems, many different types of cards. You've got your Neopets,
your equipment, your items, your random events, and your heroes, villains, and
experienced Neopets...by noremac9 | The Golden Dubloon: The Place to Pack a FeastToday we will look at a selection of different meals that you can have at
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"Tales From the Campfire: The Clerk" by covergirl_tanemura - Moments later, the clerk sprang back into view. Raven jumped in surprise at the sudden intrusion, “Ah, Raven! Nice choice you have here.” The clerk drawled out, handing Raven the costume, “I’m sure little Andrew here will just love it."... more>>
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The Sugar Snatcher
Carla was a just ordinary, plain Aisha that
loved to read. One thing she despised of everyone was that her owner never let
her eat sweets or chocolate...by moonstar_cutie67
Eleanor's Gift:Part One
"But I can't leave
you here. Come with me, we will look after you at my home for a while, until
you are fine enough to be on your way. Would you want that?"by arden_starr