"The Sunshine Violin" by articuno_neo - The sun was shining bright, and bird chirps were heard. Terama, a striped Zafara was playing on her Violin... more>>
The Sunshine Violin Terama was practicing a 3 page long concert,
written by Senny Songs. As far Terama heard, Senny was a blue Lenny. Her biggest
dream was to meet Senny and play a concert with him.
Gone by the Stroke of a Pen... I've decided to analyze two different short stories from the Neopian Times and
one non-fiction article to find out if those are just words of if they are REALLY
what the editors are looking for.
Dark Flame: Part One I was upstairs in my room, reading. I heard
someone approaching in the driveway so I hopped off my bed and pulled the shades
aside to see Netsuko and Sakuko coming up the drive...