The Neopian Times Week 108 > Editorial |
Editorial How come in zurroball if you do a trick multiple times in a row(x2, x3
etc.) you get the same number of points as if you do the trick once? If, for example, you did a right zurro, left zurro, right zurro, left zurro, (back and forth,) you'd get bonuses. If, for example, you keep doing right zurro, right zurro, right zurro, right zurro, right zurro, right zurro, right zurro, you'll only get the base bonus for a right zurro.
Is there really such a thing as space discount card? - Elijahlim123 Can you tell me when all the pet days are or just Gelert day please? - Godessgirl16 What is Viola's job? I've been wondering that for the longest time. - Bent171
What is Yoyo of Death? - Christy_328 I know, it's not easter yet... :) But does the Easter Cybunny give away Easter
Neggs, even though it's not easter? - Annesophie1234 How come Jhudora isnt in the Gallery of evil? - Fenlil I was on the mystey Pic page, and I clicked on something! Then the pop up
thingy said I was reported to the neopets team - Help! - Youthepeanut Will we be able to see our Neopets report cards? - Carmela_8
Is Neopia round? If so, then why haven't any brave neopets explored the other
hemisphere? There could be all sorts of things there, maybe even new
pets...? - Zim_the_mighty How come in the game cheat Capara the Kyrii always has cards in her hand and
yet none of the other charecters do? Isnt that kind of strange shouldn't everyone
have cards? - The_panda007
How come when you click on the grundo in grundos gym to start the game it
sends you back to the games room page? Has grundos gym been shut down for good or is
this a glitch? - Chibimars5
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