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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 4 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Spice Up Your Pet's Page or Not

A few new random Fun Images have been created for you to use in your Pet's page, shop, guild, etc. Just copy the code and then paste it where you want it to appear. There are many images to choose from, so there shouldn't be any excuses for a dull looking pets' pages. Oh, don't worry, this Scorchio never ever runs out of fire.

Darkness Has Descended Upon the Battledome

The sun has set on Neopia... Count Von Roo has been flying around looking for juicy victims!!!! Keep an eye out for him and you may get him for a challenger! Don't pass up your chance to get revenge on him in the Battledome. Be sure to bring your garlic shield....

The Neo-Market Report

Joining our hosts today will be Quinton the Quiggle, founder of Health Frog Groceries, who'll be here to discuss the current health craze sweeping Neopia. Get the gossip here.

Got Dubloons?

Aye! It be a new trainin' school for all those pets that can't afford those Codestones. Go to the Swashbuckling Academy and see Cap'n Threelegs for your first assignment. Don't forget your Dubloons and don't ye go trustin' that scurvy Techo on Mystery Island...

Guild Spotlight
For entries into guild spotlight:

Neopian Organization for Battling and Service - Explore the lost jungle of Tyrannia and have a wonderful time. The mascot, Nobstar the Lenny (yes, a Lenny), invites you to visit a place where all members have a chance to increase their rank in a unique way through guild quests! Start out as a dung beetle and crawl your way up the ranks. Hey, you gotta start somewhere.

Pirates Only - Avast Ye! Pull up a keg of Neocola, and set a-spell. Some say there be gold buried in the ruins of Maraqua.... But don't stand too long, you'll get barnacles! Now, if ye intends ta join a guild, thar be only one that no pirate'd be complete without.... Squiffies and Sprogs needn't apply.

Kyrii - Capara's got nothing on this guild. This is where all the friendly Kyriis go when they're not fixing their hair or not eating delicious red apples. Talk about the new cool Kyrii Battledome Items and train your Kyrii (or other NeoPet) to fight against evil and the Itchy Scratchies! It's a win win situation. What are you waiting for? Join today!

Free Spins Daily
This week's issue is brought to you by: The Fruit Machine

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Aquatica and the Attack Fork
That's my Attack Fork!! You shouldn't touch that!! It's VERY powerful!

by Eevee274

The Magic Aisha
I found this Aisha Book today. I'm going to read it and find out how to get rid of an Aisha.

by xoxo_baby

Stories of Snow: Part One
In a small cottage at the very top of the mountain far before the Ski Lodge was actually built lived a young woman...

by twistedcitrus

The Guardian of the Lost Desert: Part Four
We walked to where the Rock Beast was raging. The three pets that had beat it before were still there desperately trying to defeat it.

by siriusvapor7

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