Silver: Part One I'm sort of a shy person, and from the
beginning, Korrinea was protective. She would snarl at the shopkeepers if they
wouldn't meet my price, and she always stayed extra close in the Haunted Woods. by ashberrie | The Bad Shadow Eyrie: Part One "I want you to catch a shadow Eyrie who has
been stealing from all stores at High Street. Return all of the items she stole
to the correct places if you can. Got it?" by starkid1046 | The Codestone's Awakening: Part One "A codestone! We'll be
able to sell this for at least 3,000 Neopoints, and then we'll be able to eat
good again, Big J." by apparent |
This week's issue is brought to you by:
The Buzzer Game
| Other Stories
Skies Above Mystery Island
"I think we should go to Mystery Island! We've never been there after
all, and Kuude said that she lived there with her family. We could meet them
and all that if we go."by wolfyu
Illusen's Ixi
my... my creation! But how... This is unbelievable! But you certainly won’t
do for a quest prize! Oh no, most certainly not.”by tolkienlordofthering