If tortured snowballs are battle magic, why cant we equip them? - Sirramon
You can.
I just bought a Scratchcard from the fairgrounds for 1200 neopoints, but it won't let me scratch
it. It says that it's a fake but I bought it from them? - Granilithe86
That was a bug that has now been fixed. You now are the proud owner of an extremly collectable fake
scratchcard that very few people have :)
Will you be releasing any new neopets soon?
Yes, it has been a while since the last new pet so it is about time we released a new one.
Some people when you go on a petpage it says hi then your username! How do
they do that?
Theer are a number of special codes you can use on your pet's webpage that will insert various things like your pet's name,
age, your username, the visitor's username etc. You can find a list of these
here. Just click on the 'Edit'
button under your pet and the list of commands will appear at the top of the next page.
Hey guys! I was just wondering what kind of neopet is Sssidney, the Halloween Scratchcard
He is a Nimmo.
What rarity is Zeirn the Electric Kougra (Card #333)? I can't seem to find it anywhere. - Blclion33
It is now rarity 98 so there should be a lot more of them around.
Why does the Sugar Coated Lupe Treat have a picture of a chia instead of a Lupe? Is that a glitch
or a mistake or what? - Whatthecapybara
Everyone knows Lupes love to chew on Chia shaped things, that is why the Lupe treats are in the shape of a Chia.
Is the pant devil still a random event because I cant find one so that means I cant get that trophy?
Yes, the Pant Devil is still paying random visits to people so sooner or later he will find you I am sure.
In Terror Mountain does the igloo garage sale ever have any items in it? Every time I go there
they say they are out. - Myluckynumber10
Yes, it restocks the same amount of times as all the other shops, it just sells out very fast.
I was just wondering if Shoyrus have one or two ears?
They have two eyes and one spike on the top of their head. They have no ears as such.
If I took all my neopoints out of the bank, could a ghost steal ALL of it? - Sweetlyaddicted
In theory yes, although they tend to steal smaller amounts. You may get an unwanted visit from the Tax Beast
also, so I wouldn't advise carrying a lot of NP around with you.
I'm trying to collect all the slushies that wiggle ex:peanutbutter slushie, pepperminto slushie.
anyways, can you give me a list of a the slushies that wiggle? - Angelbab300
Sure, they are - Grapity, Tiger Orange, Coco Whip, Rainborific, Holiday, Berry Cola, Peanut Butter,
Chocolate Chip Cookie, Tangy Tropic, Chocolate Mint, Berry Blend and Cherry Lemonade.
Is there going to be a zombie paint brush?
Probably not, as we already have the Ghost Paint Brush and a zombie one would be very similar.
Hi! I was just wondering with Darigan wanting to rule Neopia what dose Sloth think of this? Will
he help defeat Darigan :) ? Or go on his team :( ? :- ___Lilh___
I don't think Dr Sloth would lower himself to be concerned with the triflings of Lord Darigan. He is far too
busy working on his own mastermind plans.
I chatted about the war in Iraq half an hour and then The board was deleted. It was very
interesting. Can you fix this problem? You could give a board more time if it is used so much. There
were 10 messages a minute. - Thefirstspirit
There is no problem. You are not allowed to talk about political or sensitive subjects on Neopets. We
are an international site with players all over the world. It is not a place for people to discuss real world
issues. Any such posts always end up distressing somebodyso we remove them as soon as they are posted.
How come none of the Winter Petpets are in the "All Petpets" list?
Oops, they were left out. They will appear in the list now.
Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to
editor@neopets.com. The most
common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.