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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 3rd day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 109 > Editorial


In the news feature for the 19th of September, I noticed many "Arrs!" and "Ayes!" and "Ya!" and "Yers!" and such. Who even WROTE that?!?! - 350zaga
It be 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' on the 19th - Arrr!

What`s the point of the bands in Tyrannia? - Neoman223250
Its just an enjoyable little thing that you can take your Neopets to see. Its mainly for fun although it does increase your pet's happiness too.

Can you really win 1000 NP for clicking on the right spot on the banner on the front page? - Thyme9999
Haha.. no!

In the Neopets magazine, I saw a trading card that had 'Siyana of Talador' on it. I tried searching for Siyana and Talador through the Neopedia articles, and in the search box. I found nothing. Who is Siyana of Talador? - Tootsieroll8585
She is a light faerie and you will be hearing more from her in the future.

I ordered the Neopets Magazine over 6 weeks ago online and I still haven't gotten it. It said that I would get it in 4-6 weeks. Everyone else has been getting theirs off of news stands and stuff but I haven't because I have been waiting to get mine in the mail. So do you know where it is? - MoonDancer4892
I ordered one back then too and mine arrived on Thursday so yours should be on its way.

Now that Neopets TCG is out will there be sponsored tournaments? Perhaps the prizes for winning could be special codes worth more than standard ones or multiple regular codes. - Kraiku
We would like to yes! *cough* Wizards are you reading this? *cough*

How come some books arent readable? I bought a couple books from the garage sale but it wont let me read it. - Khrishtull
That would be the evil Bouncy Supreme's fault, it's fixed now though :)

I went into my items and under my "Bri Codestone" it said: (Shaking.) Does this mean anything? - Natalierose567
All codestones shake, its just part of their strangeness.

Do Aisha always land on their feet? - Duckie_dishwasher
I haven't actually dropped one so I don't know, but I would imagine so, they are pretty smart.

I was playing the Haunted House game in the Haunted woods, trying out every single possible combination of answers possible...and they all ended with "The End". So I was wondering, is there even a solution to the game? - Eveningstar389
There is ONE solution, its just very, very hard.

Why weren't more Draiks released on Draik Day?
Draiks aren't released, they are super rare, something to do with an egg if I remember correctly.

See I'm a newbie and well how come only people with msn or aim are allowed to post an ad or just post in the chat rooms I have aol so how come I can't? - Fairydustqueen77
Neopets has absolutely nothing to do with AIM, AOL or MSN. You don't need either to post on the chat boards, and having any of those on your machine has nothing to do with anything on Neopets. You do however need to be over 13 years old, or have your parent's permission to be able to post messages.

For Ultimate Bullseye the instructions say 'Use the TURTUM to control the catapult, & aim for the bullseye!'. So, what in heck is a "TURTUM" (I keep hitting to the 'right side' of target?)
A Turtum is a petpet (see below). It is the character that runs the Ultimate Bullseye game oddly enough.

When I try to give a Snowbunny to my Shoyru, he goes 'AAAAARRRGHHH! Get that Snowbunny away from me!!!' Why does he do this? - Kingdom_darts
Every pet is unique. They have different lilkes, dislikes and irrational fears. I guess your Shoyru happens to have something against Snowbunnies!

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Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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