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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 12 > Continuing Series
A Hidden Truth: Part Six

by lupes4ever3333

A Lupe Story: Part Four

"But why them? And why now? And will it ever happen again?"

by MagnaAngemon13

Blue Moon: Part Three

It was the Monocerous. Before they could do a thing, it swung its huge head, slamming them all across the ground.

by _drake_

Elemental Distortions II: Part Five

"You aren't alone Via," said Rainbow, as he flew forward to face the stunned fire Shoyru.

by selphie_tilmitt

Griffin of the Desert: Part Two

Griffin raised an eyebrow. "You mean...the first one wasn't from you?"

by dragonshark173

In Search of Malkus Vile: Part Four

"All right. You have heard about the recent thefts that I've been controlling?" Malkus said, biting into a Golden Juppie.

by miss_dream

Just Like My Hero: Part Two

The ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. More was slowly falling on top of them.

by xena206

Monoceraptor's Revenge: Part Six

by frost_acceber

Punchbag Bob's Lonely Halloween: Part Two

Punchbag Bob inwardly snarled at the two NeoPets. That's exactly what he had been planning to do.

by ravenzz

Pup of the Wilds: Part Three

He needed some food, and preferably shelter, but Cheppie came first--he had to find the pup

by aera_eaglewings

Scalliwag: Part Three

She told Vile about us. I was disgusted, to think I had trusted her!

by princess_zelda38

Snow Job: Part Five

"Thanks, but it's not over yet. We've actually just now gotten started on it. In fact...

by scriptfox

The Poogle Palace: Part Three

There is a password required to even enter the building. Then you have to get by her gang...

by Taytees1520

Uptown Gelert: Part Two

As if he did anything to deserve a rich owner, or to be painted Golden, like me

by shelleylow


Top NeoPets Hear a Familiar Howling

There must be something in the Neocola or maybe it's just the weather--Lupes have crawled into third place on Neopia's Most Popular Pet ladder, and if things continue to stay this way, well, we could have a new number one pretty soon... and who knows what will happen after that. Lennys move to 41st?

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Other Stories

Al's Halloween
It was Halloween night in Furgleton. Little Chias skipped along happily from door to door, yelling for candy.

by Al_the_Chia

And the Faeries Rise
She returned to the flowers, and played the most wonderful of pieces, she smiled at her effort of the music, the perfect notes.

by Nightshade_Omega

Costume Ideas
Halloween is rapidly approaching and I know what you're thinking: "What am I going to dress my pets up as?"

by delkins

Behind the Mask - Is Edna an Evil Witch or is She Just Misunderstood?
"Would you like some Negg Slices before we start with this interview?"

by _crescent_

Halloween Costume Troubles...
You should dress up as a...

by Arianna_Fierce

Alternative to Chias
All Lupes should give it a try.

by goldensaluki

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