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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 9th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 101 > Continuing Series
A Great Journey: Part Three

"Look!" cried Yoko. "The sky is changing colors!"

by erika_idle

Dragon Thieves: Assassin Integrity -- Part Five

"Yeah, you two would get along perfectly," I retorted, "Now let's get out of here. The cities going to be in an uproar here pretty soon."

by child_dragon

Dragonsky: Part Two

“I know this from experience; most that were captured would keep to themselves until the end, too afraid to do anything.”

by too_kule

Ezanna in Charge: Part Two

"Hey… what’s that blue thing on the neighbor’s roof?" he asked, cocking his head quizzically to the side

by battlesunn

Fates Entwined: Part Four

On this particular day, Luparn was sitting in his small castle with absolutely nothing to do, when there was a sharp rapping at the door. “Come in,” came Luparn’s dull reply.

by pet_master12345

Legend of the Baby Shoyru: Part Two

We had spent almost six months at the training school. Then, we headed for Tyrannia and were trained by Tyrannia's best men in their army.

by neiks3

Searching for the Stars: Part Two

She thought of how all her shipmates had called her irresponsible, and how shocked they would be to see her here right this minute, rocking a crying baby to calm him.

by adoriblelapin

Somebody's Waiting to Take You Home: Part Four

"Well, I've always wanted a Cybunny, and I have a Morphing Potion in my pack..."

by missjessiegirl

The Lost Acara: Part Six

"She said, though, that she had just stayed at the Neolodge for a while to take a little vacation."

by smileyface12_5690

The Missing Gelert: Part Four

"She went there, to Onzent Island; probably to be with her own kind."

by buddy33774

The Reality of Dreams: Part Fifteen

Frantically, I dove forward into the darkness, banging my already bruised left shoulder on a stalagmite I hadn't seen.

by sabreur

The Return of Aglyco: Part Two

“Why do you care so much? I know a lot of people who would be happy if someone came to pick up something they dropped for them, Chief.”

by peachifruit

The Student Journals 3: Deceit of Desperation -- Part: Five

 "I think it's time to… get rid of the Golden Jubjub Voice. You're right. It isn't worth the money."

by ridergirl333

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior -- Part Eight

"Oh, no you don't!!!" the Kikos yelled. One ran towards them, while the other went back to his fallen brother.

by jiggles24944

Truth of Faeries: Part Five

"You're tilting. Now you're tilting the other way. Watch out for the other building. The Healing Springs is right below us. Try not to hit anything while landing."

by shimmering_aurora

Unwanted Attention: Part Three

“My dress! You’ve ruined it!” Sure enough, her bright silk dress now had a large purple stain across it that was spreading rapidly.

by shelleylow


Stamp of Approval

Having problems getting those few (or not-so-few) rare stamps needed to complete your collection? Just can't find someone selling that Petpets Stamp? Not enough money for a Tombola Stamp? This feature helps you in not only finding that rare stamp, but gives vital strategies to gaining that rare stamp... more>>

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Other Stories

Cursed Ink Pot
Had we lost the spark to write? Writing was a chore. It just wasn’t fun anymore.

by plushieowner

Pirate Psychiatry
"It seems you have -- please excuse me if I'm incorrect -- a problem with strong hallucinations and dreams at home, correct?"

by apparent

Traveling in Neopia: What the Quiggle Do I WEAR Around Here?
Let me tell you: you don’t want to be caught with a grass skirt on in the chill depths of Terror Mountain!

by wolfofthewoods

101 101
To be honest, the only reason research is done is to let us writers' pale, glowing skin see the fresh light of the world, and use our legs for once.

by noremac9

I can finally relax...

by lockolo

Aisha Blues 8
Are we there yet?

by championferret

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