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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 79 > Short Stories > Neopian Mix-ups

Neopian Mix-ups

by reverbir

One day, after lounging around in the tree for hours, I stepped outside for some sun. Unfortunately, it was an overcast day and very depressing. I headed to the Money Tree to beat myself up in attempts to grab the random items on the branches. Thanks to a random event, a Zafara intercepted my path with some advice: hunt down a Morphing Potion and sell it for a profit. It was playtime! Arcy and I headed for the game rooms; Neosen was about a mile ahead of us. Once there, we split up for our favorite games, Neosen at Meerca Chase, Arcy playing Destruct-o-Match, and me ruling Ice Cream Factory. We raked in the Neopoints and I was sent, by a majority vote, to buy refreshments and a Tombola ticket. Of course, with my luck, the food shops were sold out and I'd already obtained and eaten the omelette of the day. So I just stopped at the Tombola booth and played the raffle. Taking the useless junk I won, I decided to waste time spinning the Wheels of Excitement and Mediocrity. Fortunately, I pulled a profit on both and reported back to the pets.

     With our funds, we donated the Tombola junk and some NP to the Money Tree. The process repeated rather monotonously for the next two days, until the first random event of the quest. It was Boochi, the bane of all Neopets, except babies and those without baby colors. Neosen was safe, but Arcy got hit pretty hard. Chasing that juvenile menace proved to be pointless, Boochi's pretty fast for a little guy. I'm not a big fan of baby Acaras, and Arcy wasn't having a picnic either. I was forced to delve into our savings for a green paintbrush to fix my Acara up. As a buffer, I grabbed an extra three to face off with Boochi when he popped up again. Since we were now low on cash, we hit the games again. We had a good haul and Neosen found a new love, Cheat.

     Another bout of donations and Shop Wizard visits raised our luck plenty, but not enough. After trying in vain to drag my Meerca from his Cheat match, I just wandered home, passing the Money Tree. Making another stupid decision, I soon was making a fool of myself jumping for NP and apples only to have Korbats, Eyries, and Uni beat me by a split second.

     "This tree's rigged…" I muttered as I dejectedly left with some new bruises.

     "Yo, rever! Lookie what I've got!" cried a familiar voice.

     I turned and saw Neosen running my way with a bottle. I can just see the random event describing the following disaster: "Some thing has happened! Neosentret14 has tripped on a root and the blue Gelert morphing potion has gone flying right at you!!" With a wild grab, I caught the jar just before it smashed into my face. However, the momentum somehow knocked the cork out and the potion gushed into my mouth and all over my face. I must tell you, Gelert potions taste like raspberries. As I swallowed it and wiped my face realization hit me. I was going to be a Gelert! Of all Neopets, I had to be a Gelert! Not that Gelerts are bad, just that there are better pets you can be.

     Over the next few days, I grew a tail and antennae and eventually became the blue, panting dog-like creature we call a Gelert. Arcy wasn't so comfortable around me anymore, and Neosen always found excuses to be out of the house. I wanted out of this stupid body!!! It was time for another quest. I wasn't sure visiting Kauvara was such a good idea, but my pets convinced me, at least to round up some NP for the magic Kau to use in an experimental potion. We were all over that game room, playing games we hadn't touched in months, almost getting trophies on a few, and find NP all over the place due to random events, I felt sure I was going to be OK. Then Boochi returned for round 2.

     Neosentret14 had the paintbrush on hand, ready to rush in and paint that pink menace back to adulthood and, hopefully, a peaceful existence. That gun is pretty tough, even if the target can't become a baby. Neosen was knocked out and Boochi switched targets. If it's tough being a Gelert, It's a lot worse to be a BABY Gelert. Arcy chased the Bruce away and grabbed the brush from Neosen's unconscious paws. Once back to normal height, I matched my pets in color perfectly, we were a green trio. Anyhow, with no serious harm done, we revived my Meerca and headed for Kauvara's shop. She seemed to understand the whole situation and was pleased at the donation. We all headed for Roo Island to harvest some berries. Despite warnings, I had to taste one. YEEEARRRGH! Nasty! I don't know how that Kau makes her potions taste so good using these bitter lumps of junk! We collected a good few pails full of the berries.

     Back at the shop, Kauvara whipped up many different recipes that smelled very suspicious. Once finished, she gave me samples of each. Her guinea pigs don't get paid enough for these things! Potion number one seemed like a dud, then my body bulked up and there I was, a Lupe with a Gelert's head. Kauvara had some corrective potion ready, but I noticed her making notes. Something about Fusion pets? Anyway, the next one was worse. This time my hind feet turned into Bruce feet. I kinda lost my balance on that one. The next abomination turned me into an Aisha, with my Gelert face still intact! Now the next one was weird: my body stayed the same, but I got a Grarrl head and Pteri feet! Now if that was weird, the last one was insane! Acara body, only with longer limbs, a Meerca's tail, and a Lenny beak! After that I just hauled tail out of there.

     Losing hope of ever being human again, I hit a random event right in the head, Dr. Sloth's head to be precise! I was in a real pickle now! Sloth brought me to his lab, muzzled me, and stuck on some electrodes. The muzzle filled with a horrid liquid that nearly drowned me, if I hadn't let myself drink it. Some electric shocks clouded my vision for a while. When I could see again, I glanced at a mirror, and saw a red ghost Lupe staring back at me. He goofed! I lunged at his face, threatening to tear it off if he didn't change me back. He was ready though, more liquid in the face and I was a green Pteri. By pure luck, my rescue party arrived. Arcy, Neosen, and Kauvara burst through the lab door ready to kill. My pets tackled sloth before he could grab another potion as Kauvara gave me another experimental potion. A big flash and I was back to normal, until I looked at my fingernails. They were blue.

     "Oh well," said Kauvara, "you can't win 'em all."

     "Yeah, whatever Kauvara," I said, "Neosen, deal with that Sloth."

     The Meerca gladly obliged with a cool combo. He grabbed two potion vials and poured them down Sloth's throat as Arcy held him down. The resulting bang left my pets' fur rather black and Sloth as, well, a cross between a Baby Bruce and a Mutant Lupe. We all had a good laugh as we left the lump that used to be Sloth crying on the lab floor. Later that day, Kauvara stopped at my house with a stack of papers, consent forms I needed to sign so that the Kau could sell the potions she used on me. The only one I was fine with was the potion that saved my skin, but only with this warning label: "this potion only to be used by owners who have ingested transmogrification potions. NOT FOR NEOPET'S USE!!!" For the rest of them, I just said, "Kauvara, no one's crazy enough to buy a Gelert/Lupe fusion potion!"

The End

Author's Note: Special thanks to Championferret for the inspiration. By the way, don't try to outwit Boochi or Sloth; they're a lot quicker in real life than in this story.

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