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Meranzel sat alone and sad in the top window of a tower.
There was no way to get up or no way to get down. She remembered how everyone
us to admire her because she was both beautiful and graceful. But after winning
the Meerca Chase Trophy, her once beautiful tail was now long, too long she
could not comb it anymore. She remembered the teases she got after that:
"Meranzel, Meranzel... ROLL up your tail!"
And the laughter, oh the laughter. She could
not stand it and built herself this tower. Course, she wasn't very bright, so
she forgot to build a door out. Now she was stuck up here for the rest of her
life. It was difficult to not trip over her tail or crash into it or even get
it into knots that would take her days to undo again. To pass her time, she
would make a small bow out of her own tip of her tail and style it on her head...
but none of this made her happy. She wanted to be with her friends... she wanted
to be free!
One day a male Meerca came to the tower. Meranzel
looked down and cringed, he was a hideous mutant Meerca! "Go away!" She shouted,
not being able to stand the look of him.
"I know how to get you out," he replied, which
made Meranzel look down at him curious.
"Yes. But then you'll have to marry me," he
replied and she cringed again.
"Never..." she crossed her arms and looked away
from him. The nerve, asking her to marry something as ugly as him! The male
Meerca shrugged and walked off. After a few weeks, he came again.
"Have you changed your mind?" he asked, pleasantly.
"It must be really lonely up there."
Meerca sighed softly it was getting lonely.
But she had always dreamed she would marry a handsome Meerca "What's your name?"
she asked him.
"Meerca12345, but my owner just calls me Mac,"
he replied. Meranzel looked at him in disgust... what a name!
"Go away!" she shouted, and again he shrugged
and walked off. Two weeks later he came by again.
"Have you changed your mind, Meranzel?" he asked.
Everyone knew her name... she was the only Meerca that had built a tower without
a door.
"Why do you want to marry me anyway?" Meranzel
asked. "You'll just trip and get yourself tangled up in my tail!"
"You're actually worried?" he asked, tilting
his head a bit. Meranzel didn't know what to say. But no Meerca, how ugly deserved
to get tangled up in a long tail! She looked away softly. "Okay, okay, you don't
have to marry me," he said softly. "But... could you least be my friend?"
"No one wants to be my friend anymore," she
"I do."
Meranzel looked down. "All right, how you suppose
I get down, then?" She asked, maybe he didn't know and he was just being mean
to her.
"Let down your tail," he replied.
"What? Are you mad? You know how long it took
me to clean it?"
Puzzlement crossed his eyes. "Do you want to
get down or not?"
Meranzel didn't know what else to do, she let
down her tail. It started hurting as he began to climb up it. Like he was pulling
her tail off! "Ouch! What ARE you doing?" Before he could answer her question,
he was inside the little window. "Now we're both stuck up here!"
He shook his head and brought out a pair of
scissors and smiled. He felt on her tail where the tail ended and the fur began
and started cutting. He caught the tail and tied it to her bedpost and gestured
to it. She looked at him quite amazed. "Now you can get down and loose your
long tail," he grinned, which kind of scared her- but she didn't' back up. She
looked down and began to climb down. He followed her when she reached the bottom.
She was overwhelmed with happiness and hugged
him and kissed him softly on his lips. He blushed softly and so did she. "Thank
"You're welcome," he replied, looking away kind
of sadly. He half expected her to leave and he would never see her again. It
was why he wanted to marry her, but he could not force her to marriage. Surprising,
he felt her paw on his.
"I won't go back on my word. I'll be your friend.
Because you helped me. And I can see, you are worth having as a friend."
Mac smiled brightly and hopped to his feet.
"Come on, I'll race ya. No Meerca chasing though," he teased and they ran off
The End