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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 71 > Continuing Series > A Taitl Tale: Part Four

A Taitl Tale: Part Four

by squieshie

I took in a small breath at first. It was just like breathing in fresh air! But how could this be? You can't breathe underwater unless I was a swimming Neopet, such as a Kiko, Jetsam, and Peophin. I shrugged it off, and swam all over the place. The rain water was clear, surprisingly, so that was nice. I heard the rain pounding against the water which was flooding Neopia Central. I froze. It was flooding Neopia Central. That meant Neopets that couldn't hold their breath long enough, or Neopets that couldn't swim could drown. I had to save those in need. I swam swiftly and smoothly through the water, like I was a graceful Peophin, until I got out of the Alley, and into the streets of Neopia Central. I hadn't noticed until then, that the water was up to some of the house's roofs. I didn't see any Neopets around, so I swam over to a house, and opened the door. Some of their light furniture was floating around. I spotted a silver Shoyru hanging on to a green inflatable chair.

     "What are you doing?" cried the shadow Shoyru. "You're gonna get yourself KILLED!"

     "No I'm not!" I replied, as I treaded water nearby the panicking Shoyru. "I can breathe underwater!"

     "Good riddance," the Shoyru said, pointing to my left cheek. "You have a raindrop on your cheek! You must be... the rain Ixi!"

     "Yeah, I am!" I exclaimed. "And YOU'RE gonna get yourself killed if you don't use your stupid winds to fly yourself out of your house before you whole house floods!" I looked up at the ceiling. It was only about a foot away from my head. The Shoyru had to get out of there, fast.

     "I WOULD try and get out of here," the Shoyru drooped his head down. "But my owner and my sister are locked downstairs, in the basement. They're probably drowning now! I wouldn't want to leave my house, knowing that they're downstairs, drowning. And since you can swim, can you save them? PLEASE? will you save them before it's too late? PLEASE?! I'm begging you!" The Shoyru's eyes were starting to tear up.

     "Okay, I'll save them," I said, dunking my head underwater. I swam to the door that locked like it lead to the basement. I jerked it open, and swam frantically downstairs. My legs and arms were hurting, but I knew I had to keep going. I reached the bottom of the staircase, and I saw the Shoyru's owner, and sister. Her sister was a yellow Shoyru. I grabbed the yellow Shoyru. I wasn't so sure about holding on to the owner, though. But I did it anyway, the two Shoyrus would have been so miserable if I didn't save her. The yellow Shoyru blinked, as I pulled her and her owner all the way upstairs, and out of the house. I threw them onto a floating chair.

     "Oh, thank you, thank you!" the owner cried, smiling at me. She had blonde hair, and brown eyes. She had a soft smile, too, but there was no way I could trust her. She hugged her yellow Shoyru. I dunked myself under the water, and headed towards the silver Shoyru.

     "C'mon!" I shouted to her. She was gasping for breath, the water was almost in her mouth. She was spitting, and gagging. She looked over to me, and grinned, as she took a deep breath, and swam towards me. I pulled her fiercely towards the front door, and up to where her owner, and sister were sitting at. I grinned, and threw her up onto the chair her owner was sitting on her. I looked, hopelessly at the owner, hugging her two Neopets I frowned, and continued on my search for drowning Neopets

     How could a Neopet trust an owner like that? Most people create a Neopet, then disown it after a few days, and get another one straight away. But there's something that confused me. That owner was hugging her Neopet like it had been hers from the day she entered Neopia. Maybe some owners didn't disown Neopets after all? But you could never know.

     I couldn't see any helpless Neopets anywhere, so I decided to go back up to the surface. That silver Shoyru who I had saved back there reminded to of Xraie. The cute little naive Shoyru who I had treated like a bug. I couldn't believe that I had done that, she was one of my best and closest friends.

     When the night came close, the flood had died down, and it was only raining softly. I chose a spot under a soggy cardboard box, and looked out into the deserted streets for a while.

     I awoke the next morning. I had a dream. A strange dream. I remembered the day Miressi got taken away. I saw her frowning at Xraie and I, being held by her scruff, whimpering when being pulled out of the door of the pound. I remembered me getting mad at Xraie. And me escaping out of the pound.

     And the note.

     I remembered reading the note, and starting to cry, and that's when my fight with Xraie started.

     But the note was the most important thing I remembered since never.

     The note.

     I had figured out that the note was so important, after all.

     I had a flashback.

     I saw mulan_345 dropping a piece of paper, just a few inches from outside of my cage. I picked it up, and read it. I started to cry, and that's when Xraie and I fought. We fought. And I never had a chance to forgive Xraie. And she never had a chance to forgive me.

     And that's what friends do. They forgive each other.

     And I never gave Miressi the chance to forgive me.

     And so, that was what I was going to do.

To be continued...

Feel free to Neomail me with comments on my story. I will reply to every one of them, so don't be shy =) I would be glad to hear what you think about my story. All characters besides Taitl, Miressi, Kaupeey, Waffle-Ducky, Xraie, rayneboery, squieshie, mulan_345, and shopowner85130 are made up, and they are not really the real Neopets/people that I refer to in my story. o_O Thanks!
Previous Episodes

A Taitl Tale: Part One

A Taitl Tale: Part Two

A Taitl Tale: Part Three

A Taitl Tale: Part Five

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