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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 70 > Articles > Being a Faerie

Being a Faerie

by _silent_nightmare_

FAERIELAND - Greetings, people of Neopia. You may have already read about faeries, heard about faeries, or even saw faeries yourself somewhere during your stay in Neopia. To you, they are happy little immortals with magical powers that are carefree, powerful, and eternal. They have the rights to not to be nice to the people of Neopia because of their powers, you might think. You might even want to be a faerie yourself, do you not? Everyone wants magical powers for themselves, to do good or to do bad. Now think again; when was the last time you have respected a faerie for what it has given you? When was the last time you heard your friends moaning about the attitudes of the faeries? Being a faerie is harder than you think it would be; being a faerie takes a lot more than having magical powers.

I am an earth faerie, my name you do not need to know. I shall remain anonymous for my own safety due to the opinions I will express later in this article. I normally live in Faerieland, though I travel around the world, just like many other faeries. Through my adventures and journeys I have experienced a lot, and yes, being a faerie is not as easy and happy as you think it would be.

True, faeries are immortal, and we never seem to need to worry about the coming of our death in peaceful times; but think, our immortality also traps us forever in this land of unknown danger. Time torn our heart with cruelty, and nothing can heal the scars of love and hatred. As we grow older our minds mature, but the pains of these wounds would haunt us every time memory returns, for the rest of our being. Living in those pains is no better than passing beyond life with no feeling.

Faeries possess special powers according to their element. For example, fire faeries have the powers of the fire and heat element, as do earth faeries with the spirits of the greeneries. Sometimes we use our power and our soul to make weapons for you Neopians. We put our spirits into each and every one of these weapons to enable them with forever-magical abilities. Some of us needed days to recover from the loss of these energies; some of us never recovered from the loss of these energies. Our sacrifice was for you to be able to defend yourself from darkness and danger so all of you are able to live a merry life; but our efforts are not recognised. You merchants began to make businesses with these weapons, and selling them for less than what they are worth. Eventually they end up in battler's hands, where you foolish Neopians battle each other, hurt each other, and kill each other. Until all the magic is used up, you throw it away and call it a piece of junk. Little did you know that this might be the heart and passion of a faerie's life, and little did you know that your pleasure is another's life. We did not die for you to torture; we sacrificed for nothing.

We worked day and night with little rest or sleep, though it may seem to you that we always travel around, give out hard-to-do quests and do nothing else; that is not true. The water faerie that guards the healing springs of Faerieland always stays in her position, no matter how tired she is or how annoyed she is by the returning healthy pets. From day to day, without stopping, she healed countless pets in need, those that are troubled by diseases, or those that are wounded by the weapons of her own kind. She didn't use any other magic but her own, and exhaustion is not an excuse for her to be away because she knew by heart that her absence might mean someone else's life. For all her hard work she asked for nothing but appreciation and politeness; but there are still pets that are complaining because they are not fully healed or only got a cheap potion from her just because her magic is used up and she is tired.

For these special powers we are priced by many, including you and your kin. From the beginning of time we are praised with offerings, until a time came where our importance became less and less. For our magic powers Balthazar haunted us. Without thinking about our feelings he puts our clans and friends into cheap glass bottles and sell them for a profit. Amazingly, he has customers. Instead of stopping him and freeing us from this timeless terror, Kauvara the Magician bought us from him at a price of around 300 Neopoints each and selling us for 600 Neopoints Soon Balthazar started a company and, to our greater surprise, his company managed to get into the stock market. By buying his stocks Neopians supported him. From appraised gods we became helpless items, waiting to be bought and traded.

Many fought for the possession of our bottles because they knew we could be sold for much more in private shops. Many believed that if they keep us, our value will increase and they are able to make more profit at the end. So they did, and they kept us in their Safety Deposit Boxes along with the rotten berries they've got from the Meri-Acres Farm and the Fantastic Fly Pies from the Haunted Woods. Forever and ever we waited in our bottles, in the dark boxes, to be freed. If we are lucky, we might end up with a few of our kin in the same Box. Two pieces of glass isolated us in the beginning, but we soon developed simple signals to communicate. Sometimes we knocked on the glass bottles to make sounds; sometimes we used sign languages to communicate with each other. Through boredom, insecurity and loneliness we spent our precious, immortal lives in these Safety Deposit Boxes, until one day the war comes, our value increases, and we are put out into the shops again.

Just as I have once experienced, we are passed through hands and hands, exchanged for Neopoints, sold for countless times before we are in innocent hands. Finally we see our hope: the gentle hands that are there to open our bottle. Long since we last breathed fresh air, we are able to feel freedom again! We flew free; but we did not forget to bless our saviour. Though it should be their duty to free us, because we should not have been trapped at the first place. With vengeance still in our mind, some of us refused to bless our saviours. Without thinking about what we have been through, they leave us some bad language for most of the time, and sworn to hate faeries forever. We do not deserve this, after all we have done to help them.

We also worked hard to improve our products or keep safety in Neopia; but alone we cannot accomplish what we want to do. So we set up quests for you, hoping for help to come to our hands. The Snow Faerie stayed all year long on the Terror Mountain in the cold to develop more magic; Illusen hid in her hideaway in Meridell to accomplish her goals. We always try our hardest to make these quests easy; but it is not always possible. What is needed is needed, and we try to give you rewards for your efforts. Soon you Neopians turned this effort into a business again. You refuse to help us in bringing in slightly more expensive goods; you began to only do it for us if you estimate a profit out of these quests. When would you learn to do what we have done to you? When would you ever learn to help us, for the sake of helping your own world?

Now that war has struck the world of Meridell, we faeries are ordered by the Queen Herself to help out in the war as well. Though you might not have seen us, numerous people from our own forces have fought bravely in an effort to the war. The rest of us that are unable to contribute by fighting did their part by supporting and healing the wounded. Illusen did not like fighting, so she helped the weak ones and warriors in training by donating battle items and Codestones to the Money Tree, where they are distributed into the hands of the poor. Without us the war could have been very different, I could say. Without us, the war would have been very difficult; but our contributions to the war are omitted. High score tables honoured the bravest warriors; nothing mentioned our sacrifices.

But we do not mind; we knew what we did right and we enjoyed the pleasure of helping another, no matter what we get in return; because we are faeries of Neopia, always there to aid you in the cases of need.

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