A Taitl Tale: Part Three by squieshie |  |
Since I didn't know what else to do, I bounded for the
door on the other side of the dark, mysterious hallway. My hooves clomped against
the wooden floor, right through the red carpet. I opened the door, slowly, and
peeked in. There were four cages, one Neopet in each of them. There was a green
Aisha in one of the cages, a red Kougra in another, a spotted Quiggle in one
cage, and lastly, a purple Eyrie in another one of the cages.
All of the Neopets squirmed around. They all
had tape over their mouths, and they're arms were tied behind their backs. The
red Kougra bit the tape extremely hard, and chewed it in his mouth. Then, he
spit it out.
"Will you help us?" he asked. "Please!"
"Why should I?" I asked.
"I don't know. I'll give you a piece of cheese,"
the Kougra offered.
"Fine. Anything for some food," I replied. I
was starving.
"Wow, thanks! Who are you?" the Kougra asked.
"I'm Kaupeey."
"Erm," I started. "Call me Taitl." I didn't
like that name, but it was my name, after all.
"Okay, Taitl. Do this," Kaupeey said, looking
around the room, suspiciously. "Open that door over there, and get the key from
the boss. He should be sleeping right now. But be quiet, because if he wakes
up, and spots you in the room, he'll put you in a cage."
"All right. But why is he putting you guys in
cages?" I asked.
"He's one hungry Skeith," Kaupeey replied. "So
will you please help us? We're just innocent little Neopets!"
"Okay. Hold you're horses," I said, as I tiptoed
to the door. I opened it fast, so it wouldn't make a creaking noise. It didn't.
That was a good sign. I walked slowly toward the fattest, and ugliest Skeith
I had ever seen. He had food crumbs all over his stomach, and he was snoring
like a Moehog. I approached him, and grabbed the key, that was fastened onto
a sting, which was wrapped around his fat neck. I took it off swiftly, and held
it hard, as I bounded toward the door again. I entered the room where Kaupeey,
and all the others were, and shut the door behind me quickly. It slammed shut,
and I instantly heard a deep voice.
"Huh? What was that? Why I oughtta." It was
obviously the Skeith, coming for the door.
"Hurry!" I heard Kaupeey whisper, loudly.
"Hide, Taitl!" I ran to the door that lead to the hallway, opened it,
and shoved myself through. I left a crack open, so I could see what would be
going on between the Skeith, Kaupeey, and all the others.
"What are you doing, Kaupeey?" I heard the Skeith
"Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing at all, sir!" He grinned
at the Skeith
"All right, then. Remember, your my dinner tonight.
Enjoy your last moments. Heh. Heh, heh." The Skeith went into the other room,
and slammed the door behind him. I then jumped in to the room, and unlocked
Kaupeey's cage.
"Thanks, Taitl." He said, as he jumped out.
I untied his arms, and rescued the spotted Quiggle, purple Eyrie, and the green
"No problem guys," I replied, as I finished
untying the last Neopets arms.
"Here's your cheese - as promised," Kaupeey
handed me a piece of moldy cheese. I took it, and stuffed it into my mouth.
At least it was food.
"Thanks," I replied. "Now lets get you guys
outta here!" I opened the door to the hallway, again, the others following.
But the n I remembered the door to the main room was locked by iron bars. I
kept walking towards it, and then stopped in front of it. "What do we do, now?"
I asked.
"All you have to do is say, 'Onumikau'," the
spotted Quiggle said. The iron bars disappeared, and we went through the door,
and out of the house.
"It feels so good to be free," Kaupeey said,
as he took a deep breath of the fresh air.
"Yeah," the purple Eyrie agreed, nodding.
"I was in the pound, once," I muttered. "It
was horrible. But my friends were there. They were nice. But one of my friends
got taken away by a girl. And then, well, it's a long story."
"That sounds bad," Kaupeey said.
"It was," I replied. "Anyway, where should we
go next?"
"How about we go to-" Kaupeey started, but then
a net wrapped around him and the other pets. I quickly jumped away.
"HELP!" Kaupeey, and all of the others tried
to get out, but they couldn't.
"Sorry," I called back. "I really am! Maybe
I'll see you some other time!" I bounded into an alley, and hid behind a wall.
"TAITL!" I heard Kaupeey call in the distance.
I ignored him. He would just find an owner,
anyway. But me? I was too good for an owner. They do nothing but take friends
away, and disown you. When I was in the pound, I saw all of the other pets crying
the owners in Neopia had done only one thing to them: made them miserable. And
then, what do you know? Another person comes along and adopts them, and before
you know it, they are back in the pound again. "Pets can live without owners,"
I muttered to myself. "They are no good! They do nothing 'cept make you miserable!
Miserable! Miserable! Miserable!" I heard my echo from being in the dark alley.
I jumped a mile. I looked behind me. The brick walls of the alley had fungus
growing on them, and gross bugs were squirming out of cracks. I pulled myself
away from the wall of the alley, in disgust. I walked toward the end of the
alley, where some garbage cans were. I looked inside of them, to see if there
was any food, because I was starving to death. All I had eaten was a piece of
moldy cheese, which Kaupeey had given me. There was nothing but fishbones, and
food boxes. I sighed.
I plopped myself down in a box, and a felt moving
under me. "Wha-?" I started. I jumped up, and peered inside of the box. A little
blue Jetsam was curled up inside of a box.
"Who're you?" I asked him. He looked up, and
"Why would you care?" He replied.
"You're right!" I said, sticking my tongue out.
"I DON'T care." I turned my back to him, and looked up in the sky. Mountains
of gray clouds were spreading out all over the sky. A hard rain was going to
fall. I bounded under a box next to the one the Jetsam was lying in. "I would
get under a box, if I were you," I said to the Jetsam.
"I'm a Jetsam. I can swim,"
"Oh. Right," I watched the rain come tumbling
down. At first it was a light shower, but it soon turned into a roaring storm.
Only my hooves were getting drenched by the storm. The box was protecting me
pretty good.
"Don't you know?" The Jetsam said to me from
inside the box.
"Know what?" I replied. The mark of the raindrop
started to throb.
"You have a raindrop on your cheek," The Jetsam
pointed to the raindrop. "You can breathe underwater. You are the rain Ixi.
That is your mystical power."
"Huh? Wha-?" The Jetsam hovered into the air.
He had a pair of white wings, and he was playing a harp.
"I am Phebious, the god of rain," Phebious was
playing the harp beautifully.
"Wait, wait, wait. Lemme get this straight.
I am the rain Ixi. I can breathe underwater?" I looked at Phebious in awe.
"Correction. You are the one and ONLY rain Ixi.
The ONLY rain Neopet For the last raindrop of the huge storm that covered all
of Neopia in fell on your left cheek. YOU are the rain Ixi."
"Okay, so I can breathe underwater," I replied.
"What's so special about that?"
"You are the only Neopet besides the Kiko, Flotsam,
Jetsam, Peophin, Quiggle, and Koi that is capable of breathing underwater. You
are unique. You are special. And, you are no longer Taitl the blue Ixi. I hereby
declare you Taitl the Rain Ixi!"
"Okay. Cool!" I said, turning to him. But he
wasn't there. He had vanished.
I was so caught up in listening to Phebious,
I didn't realise the rain had flooded to my stomach. My whole bottom half of
my body was drenched. I had to get to higher ground, before the flood got even
worse. I climbed up the cardboard box, and it sogged down to the ground. There
was nothing much I could do. The flood was getting higher by the minute. I also
couldn't ever believe that Jetsam. Sure, he was a 'god', or whatever, but me?
ME breathe underwater? That idea was stupid.
Unfortunately, the water was up to my chin in
five minutes, so I decided there was no other choice. I had to try and breathe
underwater. I dunked my head under, and breathed in.
To be continued...
Feel free to Neomail
me with comments on my story. I will reply to every one of them, so don't be shy
=) I would be glad to hear what you think about my story. All characters besides
Taitl, Miressi, Kaupeey, Waffle-Ducky, Xraie, rayneboery, squieshie, mulan_345,
and shopowner85130 are made up, and they are not really the real Neopets/people
that I refer to in my story. o_O Thanks! |