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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 69 > Continuing Series > A Taitl Tale: Part Two

A Taitl Tale: Part Two

by squieshie

I had no clue what the pound was, but it didn't sound so good if it meant you had to be caught in a net to be able to go there. I bit the net with all my might, but it wouldn't give in. Then the yellow Neopet picked me up by the scruff, and threw me into a trunk of a car. There were many other Neopets, too. Green ones, red ones, yellow ones, and blue ones. Even some oddly coloured Neopets

     "What's up with you?" one red coated Neopet that had wings asked.

     "W-what do you mean?" I asked.

     "How come you got a raindrop on you're left cheek, there?" The red Neopet pointed to my cheek, in astonishment, and the other Neopets gasped.

     "I have no clue. But can you guys tell me where exactly we are going?" I folded my arms across my chest and stared hard at all of the pets.

     "The pound... It's the worst place ever, lil' Ixi girl. They lock you up... and give yah' nothin' but mush for food. And yah' have ta stay there until somebody adopts yah'. It's a livin' nightmare," a blue Neopet stated.

     "Uh-oh..." I muttered.

     "I'm Miressi, a yellow Gelert. Who are you?" A yellow Neopet who I knew was now a Gelert asked.

     "I'm- I mean... I don't have a name." I shrugged, and all of the Neopets gasped. I was getting pretty tired of pets gasping like that whenever I said I didn't have a name.

     "Oh..." Miressi said, slowly. "Well that's too bad... I hope you will get a name when somebody adopts you!"

     "Yeah, really..." I replied, looking out of one of the windows.

     "Where'd you come from?" Miressi asked. "I came from Neopia Central. That's where the pound is."

     "I don't know where I came from..." I admitted. "It was... Some deserted place out in the middle of nowhere."

     "Oh, I know what that is!!!" I heard a voice behind a bunch of Neopets "That's Lilac Island!"

     "What's Lilac Island?" asked the red Neopet that had wings.

     "Somebody made it for dear Princess Lilac," I heard another reply.

     "You look like you're just a baby Ixi..." Miressi said. "I'll teach you the names of all of the Neopets It seems you are having a bit of trouble, here."

     I didn't know how she knew I was having trouble knowing what the Neopets species were, but I just said, "Okay. Would you really teach me that?"

     "Sure!" Miressi replied, as some pets handed her a big piece of paper. "This," Miressi pointed to the piece of paper. "Is a graph of all of the Neopets" She told me all of the Neopets specie names, and soon I had them all learnt by heart. I was proud of my work.

     "We're probably almost to the pound," the red Neopet with wings said, as she peered out of the dusty window. I learned that she was a Shoyru. All of the other Neopets cheered.

     Then we all heard a big THUMP. "Yup, we're there!" the Shoyru noted all of us. Then we heard a big SLAM, and a SWISH, and the trunk opened, and the yellow lizard creature, who I had learnt was a Techo, who's name was Dr_Death, took out four Neopets, and placed them inside the pound, and ran out to get four more. I was in the second batch, along with Miressi.

     "Stay right here," Dr_Death told Miressi, the red Shoyru, a blue Korbat, and I. We did as he had told us, and soon a nice looking pink Uni walked towards us.

     "Hello!" she said, cheerfully. "I'm Rose! Come follow me to you're cages, why don't you?" Rose walked down a hallway of cages, filled with gloomy Neopets, crying for owners. There were also a lot of humans, looking for Neopets to adopt. I saw many sad faces, of those who were being disowned, and many happy faces, of the ones that were being adopted.

     Rose put The Blue Korbat in a cage, and then the red Shoyru in the cage next to the Korbat's, then Rose placed me next to the Shoyrus, and Miressi next to me.

     "What's you're name?" I asked the red Shoyru.

     "Xraie," she replied. "Xraie's my name."

     "Oh, okay!" I said.

     "Hi, Xraie," Miressi waved to Xraie, and she waved back.

     "You know, Ixi girl, I think I'm gonna name you right now."

     "Really?" I asked. I hoped it was a good name.

     "Yup. I'm gonna name you..."

     "Yes? Yes?" I asked. I was getting so excited, I was jumping up and down in my cage.

     "Taitl!" Xraie said, and smiled.

     I stopped jumping around. "Taitl?!" I asked. I stuck my tongue out. "TAITL?!" I looked at Xraie.

     "Yup. Just Taitl. Taitl the blue Ixi." I didn't like the name Taitl. I hated it! Out of everything in Neopia, it had to be Taitl. Taitl, Taitl, Taitl! I couldn't stop thinking about it.

     Even though I was disappointed with my name, the next few days went by quickly. It was fun being in the pound with my friends. Rose gave us extra amounts of food, because we became her pals. She treated us real nice, although she did give the other pets lots of attention. She said that they needed it, too.

     A couple of more days passed. Miressi, Xraie, and I told jokes to each other a lot, and I laughed so hard, my side started to hurt.

     But after a couple of weeks in the pound, we grew tired of sitting there all day, being surrounded by crying Neopets. Sometimes they made me cry, because I felt so sorry for them.

     But I didn't quite understand. What was an owner? What was it like? Why was it so important?

     The following day, in the morning, at about 8:00, it seemed, a girl came in. She had medium - length blonde hair, with shiny white teeth. She looked at Xraie - then, me. I frowned, and stuck my tongue out. Even though owners seemed so great, I didn't ever want to have one. I wanted to be free. Then she laid eyes on Miressi, and her face lit up. "I've been looking for a Gelert for days, and days, and days!" She exclaimed. "Would you like to come home with me," the girl looked at the sign on the cage. "Miressi? I have two other pets I know you would just love to meet!"

     Miressi looked at me, and Xraie, then frowned. Then she looked over at the girl, and nodded her head, yes.

     I was angry. How could Miressi chose a dumb human over me? My anger mixed with my sorrow, and made a feeling I had never had before. My left cheek suddenly ached, at that moment. Right where the raindrop was. I didn't know why the mark throbbed so much whenever I was angry. I watched Miressi smile at the girl.

     "Miressi, I know you will just love it at my NeoHome!" the girl said. "Oh, yeah. Call me mulan_345, or just mulan, okay?"

     "Okay, mulan," Miressi replied, softly.

     "Let's go home," mulan suggested to Miressi. They headed for the doors, and Miressi peered behind her back, and frowned at me, then shook her head. Then they opened the doors, and walked away. I noticed a piece of paper was on the ground. I picked it up. mulan must had dropped it. I stuck me tongue out, as I read it silently. 69707 Market Street, Neopia Central. I shook my head, and began to cry. Miressi was gone. All gone.

     "It's okay, Taitl," Xraie put her hand through the bars of her cage.

     "IF YOU SAY TAITL ONE MORE TIME, I'M GONNA SCREAM, AND RIP ALL OF MY FUR OUT!" I yelled, at the top of my lungs.

     "Sorry," Xraie said, as she turned he back to me, and folded her arms across her chest, and stuck her nose up in the air.

     "You should be!" I exclaimed. "You gave me a name that I absolutely hate!"

     "Well, too bad, cos' you can't change it," Xraie said, her eyes hard.

     "I don't care!" I shouted back at her. I didn't know why I was so angry. I turned my back to Xraie, and did the same as her, folding my arms across my chest, and sticking my nose up in the air.

     "Sorry I named you a name that you absolutely ha-" Xraie started, but I rudely interrupted.

     "SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!" My anger was raging, even more, and more, so much, that the raindrop mark started burning, inside me. It hurt so much. "Y-YOU KNOW!" I shot back at Xraie. "IT'S ALL YOU'RE FAULT! IT'S ALL YOU'RE FAULT THAT MIRESSI GOT TAKEN AWAY!"

     "No, it's NOT!" Xraie flew up into the air, holding her bowl of mush. She threw it at me, through the cage. I spit back at her, and it splattered against her cheek. "Gross!" she exclaimed, wiping it off.

     "Girls, girls!" I heard a clam voice. It was Rose. "Please stop fighting!" I looked at Rose, and had just realised just about everyone in the pound was looking at Xraie and I, fighting. Rose took me out of my cage. "I'm sorry, Taitl, but I will have to separate you two. You may not be in cages next to each other anymore."

     Rose picked me out of my cage, and held me tight. "LET ME GO!" I shouted. I squirmed about in her clutch. I kicked rapidly, out of control, and when she didn't let go of me after that, I bit her, and she let go, instantly, with a shriek. I then dashed out of the pound building, and ran straight into a food shop, Dr_Death quickly sprinting after me, carrying the net. I grabbed a pizza, and took off the box, that was covering it, and threw the pizza at Dr_Death. He wiped if off swiftly, and took off after me, though. I threw several other things at him. Ice cream, cheese, omelettes, and finally, I came to the canned food section. I grinned, evily, and threw a can of Musho Mushy Peas at him. But, he ducked, and ran after me. I was getting tired, so I stopped, panting hard.

     "Nobody gets away from the pound," Dr_Death murmured. "And if you do, I come and hunt you down.

     "Sure. Nobody gets away from the pound," I said, staring at him. I grinned, jumped up into the air, bounced on Dr_Death's head, knocked over all of the food cans in the aisle, and bounded for the entrance. I looked behind be, and Dr_Death was stumbling upon all of the food cans. "Great." I said to no one in particular. "My plan worked." I ran out of the food shop, and headed for a little house, that looked as it had been deserted.

     I opened the door, and peered in. Nobody was in sight, so I sat down on a couch, that was ripped. It had lots of stains in it. I then saw a door, that looked like it went to the backyard, so I stood up, and opened the door that supposedly leaded outside. But to my surprise, it leaded to a hallway. I stepped onto the carpet, and I heard a clang. I looked behind me. Iron bars had covered the door. The raindrop mark started to hurt.

     My instincts told me. It was a trap.

To be continued...

Feel free to Neomail me with comments on my story. I will reply to every one of them, so don't be shy =) I would be glad to hear what you think about my story. All characters besides Taitl, Miressi, Kaupeey, Waffle-Ducky, Xraie, rayneboery, squieshie, mulan_345, and shopowner85130 are made up, and they are not really the real Neopets/people that I refer to in my story. o_O Thanks!
Previous Episodes

A Taitl Tale: Part One

A Taitl Tale: Part Three

A Taitl Tale: Part Four

A Taitl Tale: Part Five

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