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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 68 > Articles > Your Safety Deposit Box: A Treasure Trove of Sleeping Cash

Your Safety Deposit Box: A Treasure Trove of Sleeping Cash

by maverick22489

NEOPIA CENTRAL - So you want that Fire, Fire Your Pants on Fire Paint Brush for your pet. (Don't we all....) Or you need a Hidden Tower item to beat the pants off of the Ghost Lupe for your latest Defenders of Neopia assignment. But you can't afford the goods. Well, here's some welcome news; you can!

If you've been playing Neopets for a while, like me, you've probably accumulated quite a bit of stuff in your Safety Deposit Box at the National Neopian. (That's assuming that you've opened an account with them - if you haven't, I strongly suggest that you do.) All that stuff is just sitting there doing nothing. It may just seem like useless junk to you, but I'm betting that there's someone out there willing to buy it from you for the right price.

There are several categories of items that are common in SBDs around Neopia, so let's take a look at a few of them:

Real Junk
This is the stuff that really IS junk - things like Dung, Bottles of Sand, Toy Sailboats, Neopian Times Issue 3's, you get the idea. The most common source for this stuff is the Tombola. These items really won't fetch any money in your shop (unless you can find a collector, that is), so I recommend either donating or plain out dumping this stuff.

Cheap Items
These are things like Omelettes and Healing Potions - in other words daily items. Also cheap foods like Chia Pops, Nachos, etc., or most non-magical plushies or toys. These things will sell quickly in your shop but really won't make you much money unless you have a lot of them. In spite of that, I still think you should sell them just to get rid of them. A couple hundred NP is a great price for freeing up space in your SDB.

More Expensive Stuff
Things like Faeries, Codestones, Battledome equipment and Scratchcards are great money-makers. Look on the Shop Wizard and find the current asking price of your item, then price it one or two NP cheaper. Chances are, it'll go in the next week or so. Most furniture also fits into this category.

Rare Items, Map Pieces and Paint Brushes
Hot Battledome Equipment, Map Pieces and Paint Brushes are the three biggest hits in the SDB world. Many people have these items sitting around for no good reason. I can't really make a general recommendation on these; it all depends on the individual circumstances. If it's a popular item or new release that seems to be continually rising in price (e.g. the Ghost Paint Brush or Chia Flour), I'd advise you to hang on to it for a little while longer. On the other hand, if it's a once-fashionable item that has lost its lustre (e.g. the Disco Paint Brush), get rid of it fast. Most items never come back into style, the price tag just goes down, down, down until they are worthless. Try to sell this kind of item to a collector who may give you a good price for it.

Map pieces are risky; if you're the kind of person who keeps things like raffle tickets around, hoping for that lucky day, then I'd say to keep these, since you can also buy them. But if the map is retired, then Sell, Sell, Sell! The old maps don't give out any better prizes than the new maps (besides retired items), and they're worth a lot more on the market.

So as you can see, an occasional Spring-Cleaning of your Safety Deposit Box can really earn you some cash and free up space. I cleaned mine out just the other day and made about 30,000 NP from it. It's a great way to make some quick cash for an impulse purchase, or just to invest in stocks or your Bank Account.

This article was written based on my views, opinions and investment strategies. I do not in any way guarantee that you will make NP using my strategy. If you'd like to send me some feedback, please feel free to direct your opinions to my Neomail.

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