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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 68 > New Series > Dragon Thieves vs. Balthazar: Part One

Dragon Thieves vs. Balthazar: Part One

by child_dragon

I've always bought into the stereotype that faeries are good creatures willing to help unfortunate Neopians. Faeries despise evil creatures and will not help them. Dark faeries are the only ones that are "evil", and will never help anyone except to further themselves. However, when an air faerie named Diganis came into our lives, all these notions were destroyed....

I'd been out all morning shopping with Jaix at the Uni's clothing store - of all places. For some reason, Jaix had decided to find; as he put it, his own personal style. He'd found it all right, in the form of a black collar studded with silver spikes, like the kind you'd see skateboarders wear. I could only roll my eyes.

     As soon as I entered the house, I noticed that someone was in the kitchen. It wasn't MiracleStar, and it wasn't Skyil or Taffin. I entered slowly, one paw on my dagger. Jaix trailed behind. An air faerie sat on our counter, arms crossed and regarding me with stern eyes.

     "Nianso DreamWish, I presume?"

     "I try to make it a habit to never presume anything," I growled in response, "What are you doing in my house?"

     She smiled slightly, but it wasn't a friendly smile. Her eyes were cold and calculating.

     "My name is Diganis. I heard of you from... an acquaintance, shall we say."

     "An acquaintance? And who would this be?"

     She hesitated, debating whether or not to divulge this information.

     "Losgadh'eolas. Or the dragon in the Terror Mountains."

     "Could you say that again?" I said weakly.

     "Los-gad-e-o-las," she repeated with a soft smile, "or I just call him dragon."

     I thought on this a moment, conscious of Jaix at my shoulder shifting from paw to paw nervously.

     "So why are you here?"

     Her face fell back into its grim mask.

     "I have a venture you may be interested in. Quite profitable, I assure you."

     "We don't make decisions without MiracleStar."

     "Of course. She left a note," the faerie said, waving her hand at the table, "saying she'll be back in about an hour. I will come back then."

     With a soft whisper of air, the faerie was gone. I shook my head and glanced at Jaix, and he merely shrugged.

     "There's something odd about that faerie."

     "Yeah, I know. What was her name, Diganis or something?"

     "I think so. I'm going to my room. Yell when MiracleStar and the others get back."

     The three eventually did return. I ran downstairs and was about to start explaining about the faerie when I heard the sound of daggers being drawn. I turned, and behind me hovered the air faerie. It was MiracleStar, Taffin, and Skyil who had drawn their weapons at her sudden appearance.

     "A very warm welcome this is," Diganis observed wryly.

     "Yeah, well, we're not too comfortable with faeries just materialising in our house," I replied sullenly, "MiracleStar, this is Diganis. She has a proposition to make."

     Taffin and Skyil sheathed their daggers, but MiracleStar kept hers out, flipping it to throwing position.

     "I don't care. Get out of here, faerie," she said softly.

     Diganis was silent, but didn't move. MiracleStar tensed, then threw. There was a flash of blue light, and the dagger clattered to the floor.

     "Don't think I can't protect myself, thief," she whispered, "And regardless of past circumstances, I think you shall be rather interested in what I have to say."

     She was silent, and I glanced at her curiously. What past circumstances? Diganis ignored MiracleStar's refusal to comment and continued talking.

     "I have discovered one of Balthazar's warehouses. Meaning: an entire hoard of faeries is just waiting for the right thieves..."

     She trailed off, a sly smile on her face.

     "You'd do that?" Taffin finally asked, "Help us steal the faeries to sell? I mean, isn't that kind of counteractive to what you, as a faerie, would want?"

     She sniffed in response.

     "A couple years ago, yes. But not now. So, this is a one time offer thieves. Take it or leave it."

     MiracleStar took a deep breath.

     "Swear that you won't betray us in any way?"

     "I swear it by the element I serve."

     "Very well then. We're in."


As with any venture of this magnitude, it took us a long time to prepare. MiracleStar bought Jaix a new weapon, a VirtuPets Energy Sabre. He practised with it nearly all the time. Taffin spent a lot of time off with Skyil and Diganis, scouting out the warehouse. I spent my time with MiracleStar, going over the information Skyil gained and making plans. It would be tricky, but I knew we could pull it off. The warehouse was closely guarded, even more so at night. This was not a surprise, as any break-in would logically occur at night. So, we decided to take the daylight option. This had its own unique risks, of course. However, Diganis promised she'd use her magic to guide eyes away from us. Jaix, Skyil, and I were to head for the roof, while MiracleStar and Taffin were to enter through a back door, one that was never used and only guarded by one pet. Skyil had gotten the codes for all the doors, so security wouldn't be a problem.

     On the day of the planned break-in, we headed towards the industrial section of Neopia Central like any other family out for a fine day. We kept our wings folded close to avoid attention, and didn't talk. Jaix carried his sword across his back, and the rest of us carried daggers. I'd taken to carrying two myself, as I fancied having one in each paw. Diganis was nowhere to be seen.

     "You don't trust her," I whispered to MiracleStar.

     "I don't trust any of the faeries," she replied softly.


     She was silent for a long time.

     "It's a long story. Maybe some other time."

     I nodded and kept walking. Soon the warehouse came into sight. It was a large structure of cement walls and metal roofing. A barbed wire fence surrounded it, and guards patrolled the perimeter. It looked more like a military base than a warehouse.

     "How'd Balthazar manage to pull all this off?" Jaix hissed.

     "Money. Faeries are expensive."

     "Yeah, but, I thought he was just a loner that caught faeries."

     "Originally, yes," Diganis said, suddenly appearing behind us, "but he grew rich, and expanded. He hates us faeries."

     "I don't blame him," MiracleStar muttered under her breath.

     "Just shut up Kristen."

     Diganis flew up into the sky to scout out the current situation of the warehouse. I turned to MiracleStar in surprise.

     "Kristen? Why'd she call you that?"

     "I... I'll tell you later," she said hurriedly, her cheeks flushed pink.

     I was about to press her for more information, but at that moment Diganis appeared.

     "All right, follow me."

     We obeyed, splitting up into two groups, as planned. I led Jaix and Skyil, who both stayed silent, only giving me a solemn look and then concentrating on not being seen. Diganis led us down an alley a short distance away from the warehouse. From there, we flew up to the roof, careful to not hit the walls and not be seen. We stayed spread out, and surveyed the scene. I nodded sharply to Jaix, and he leaped off the roof edge, snapping his wings out and gliding over to the warehouse roof. I could only hold my breath and hope that Diganis' spells were sound, because someone could easily have seen Jaix. I watched the guards below, still no sign of them noticing. I nodded again to Skyil, and she quickly took the gap. Finally it was my turn. I waited for the right moment, then I leaped over the edge. I snapped my dragon wings out and felt the air lift carry me across to the other roof. I landed soundlessly, folding my wings up again. We made our way across the roof slowly, as the corrugated iron beneath us was slanted and there was still a risk of being seen.

     "If Diganis fails us," Jaix hissed in my ear.

     "We're dead. I know."

     We made our way over to the edge, where high-placed windows existed. Skyil watched below as I slung myself out over the ledge and examined the window. It wasn't operable, so I'd have to break it. I swung myself back onto the roof and nodded to Jaix.

     "You gotta get us in."

     He nodded and drew the energy sabre, flipping himself off the edge and hovering there. I raised up and watched the guards as they continued their patrol.

     "Less than a minute," I warned.

     "I'll make it," he replied, laying the blade to the window.

     There was a crackle of superheated air, and the sound of glass sliding on glass. Jaix flipped himself back up to join us, holding the pane of glass he'd carefully cut out. He lay it on the roof beside us, then crouched down as the guard walked past, oblivious to the thieves above him. We stayed silent and waited until he passed.

     "Skyil. Is there anyone in there?"

     "It's hard to tell," she said softly, "but no, I don't feel anyone."


     I swung myself down, landing on the inside of the windowpane. I surveyed the area below us, a large cement floor filled with shelves. And upon those shelves, faeries. I couldn't see anyone, so I dropped the rest of the way into the warehouse, using my wings to slow my fall. Jaix and Skyil followed. Diganis appeared suddenly before us, motioning for us to follow. She led us to where MiracleStar and Taffin had just arrived. MiracleStar looked a little pale.

     "Any trouble?"

     "Nope, none whatsoever," she replied.

     "Then let's get the faeries and get out of here."

     I turned to examine the shelves. Most of the bottles were empty, but a nearby shelf contained nothing but rows of air faeries. A little further down were the earth faeries. I started grabbing faeries at random and shoving the bottles in my backpack. My family spread out and started stealing what they wished. My backpack was almost full when my Zafara ears alerted me to trouble. Paw pads, coming into the warehouse room. I froze, listening. They were to my left. I edged off and slipped behind the shelves to remain hidden. It was then I heard the scream of pain and surprise from Skyil.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Dragon Thieves: A Blue Zafara

Dragon Thieves: MiracleStar

Dragon Thieves: Crewchik1221

Dragon Thieves: Going Solo

Dragon Thieves: Count Von Roo

Dragon Thieves vs. Balthazar: Part Two

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